Hangovers and Hangouts

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Not long after the Great Gozu left for his trip to the states, the school's talent scout Koichi Kizakura had to fill in as the homeroom teacher in charge of Class 78-B. Some people were okay with it, some didn't like it (Tenko in particular preferred Gozu as their teacher), and some just didn't really care.

Even so, the lessons went by normally the next day, although he was almost never seen without a bottle of bourbon whiskey at his desk, which would mean occasional hangovers every now and then, according to his brother.

So overall, their second day at Hope's Peak was going...swell, so far.

Keywords being "second day". It was only the second day of school and they had to deal with a drunk teacher. Going off of what his brother Sonosuke told him, he hardly gave two shits about any mishaps, but when shit would hit the fan, that's when he would sober up and put his foot down.

Quirks aside, Y/N was jotting down answers to some questions about the Great Depression when the sound of belching filled the room. Golden eyes widening in realization, he muttered under his breath, "You're shitting me...Sonosuke wasn't kidding about this guy..."

With that in mind, Koichi addressed the class, albeit with a slurry tone. "Alright class...shince I'm starting to feel a bit...under the weather, you've a free period...h-have fun, kidsh!"

Y/N immediately understood why Sonosuke had so much time to work on his talent during class time in his years at Hope's Peak. The drunken teacher stumbling out of the room and giving everyone a free period, it all made sense. Although the sounds of heaving that filled the hallways a few moments later didn't help, as everyone winced at the mere sight of them.

Kaede, Tsumugi, Tenko, and Kaito had turned a bit green, Kokichi and Miu were both snickering, Maki and Kirumi were trying to ignore the whole thing altogether, and the rest were unable to concentrate due to the mere sound of a hangover.

With a final jotting of his class work, he finally finished it as he reached into his bag and pulled out the container of sweets his brother's girlfriend had left for him.

Just as he opened it and reached for a macaroon, his hand came to an abrupt halt as he felt eyes all around and realized that everyone was staring at him. His eyebrows furrowed as he opened his mouth, yet hesitated to speak for a moment, "...What?"

"Dude, you got brownies in there?! Lucky..." Kaito lamented, slumping in his seat.

"You're eating that, even in here?" Kiibo asked.

"Yeah, I am. Why, is there a problem with that?" you asked, tilting your head curiously.

"Well...doesn't that seem a bit, um...unhealthy?" Shuichi added hesitantly.

"Even if it is, the taste is completely worth it if you ask me," he replied, taking a bite off of a macaroon.

Kaito leaned over and peered into the container in curiosity, itching to try one, but given the boy's usual demeanor, it was almost natural to be hesitant around him. "Hey, uh...if by any chance, could I...try one?"

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and for a brief moment, Kaito thought he had fucked up bad before the corners of the blacksmith's lips curled into a smile. In a surprisingly kind gesture, he held the container towards him, "Go ahead."

Kaito suddenly smiled as well as he reached in and plucked a brownie from the container. The second he bit down on it, his reaction was a bit more than Y/N had expected at first, "OH MY GOD!"

"K-Kaito?! Are you okay?!" Shuichi exclaimed, suddenly worried for the astronaut.

"This brownie...it's like heaven..." he moaned in delight as he took another bite. "Best brownie I've ever tasted, hands down."

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