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N/A- Awesome Trailer By @AcaciaWolves 


"GO GO GO!" Yelled the officers. No one was trying to stay calm, everyone was just running about in a crazed frenzy to the many, many rockets. I held onto my mothers hand tight. Looking up at her, I asked, "Mommy? Are we going to make it?" My mother smiled at me reassuringly, but I could see the worry in her eyes. "It's ok Andrea, there's enough space for everyone in each other the ships, we'll be able to leave perfectly safe!" She tried to yell over the noise.

I decided not to press her anymore. The heat was beginning to get unbearable. I looked into the red sky, seeing the red giant sun taking up all, if not most, of the sky. As it was pulling us closer, I could feel the gravity shifting dramatically. My mother pushed my head down. "Look forward for right now, or you might stop moving from fear!" She warned.

I obeyed and continued running with my mother to the rocket. Despite it being the end of the world, the officers were still helping everyone to get on the ships. "THERES NOT MUCH TIME! GO GO GO!" Yelled the officers. My mother and I reached an officer at last.

The man looked at us. "You two will be on the rocket Delta VIII." My mom nodded and we ran to the rocket with the correct name on it's side. The heat was exhausting my legs, and I started to slow down.

My mom immediately noticed and swiftly picked me up and continued running. At last we reached the rocket, were another officer was waiting. "Sorry ma'am but you'll have to go to another rocket, this ones full." He said.

My mom began pleading with the officer, but I didn't really listen to what the two were saying. I was much to focused on the sky becoming even more red, and all I could see was the sun. My mother suddenly grabbed me off her shoulders and set me down inside the rocket.

It was so much cooler inside. I looked back at my mom, who had tears in her eyes. "Alright Andrea, I need you to stay on this rocket. I'll see you when we arrive at the destination, ok? I'll be on a different rocket, so don't worry about me, ok?" I nodded. She always had told me to be brave.

Once she left, the officer got on, and started up the ship. I grabbed an empty seat and got strapped in immediately. The rocket was filled with sounds of crying and worry, but I didn't join in. I wanted to be brave, like my mom said. 

I could hear an officer say, "We are getting to close, to fast. We need to leave NOW or the strong boosters of the rocket won't make it." I closed my eyes as tight as I could. I was afraid of what blasting off would be like. 

I heard the rocket start up pretty fast, and before I could even say anything, we were already out in space. I opened my eyes and took a look out the big windows. The sun was practically already eating the planet. I saw other rockets nearby as well. I wondered what rocket my mother was on. 

Earth was getting smaller and smaller. I wondered where we were heading. I suddenly realized how hot it was getting. Maybe it was because it was getting colder the farther from the giant sun they got? I looked out the window once again to see fewer rockets than we had seen before. I wondered if they were going somewhere else. 

I could feel the ship getting even hotter. This wasn't right. What was happening? I began to panic, as well as the rest of the ship. I remembered something my mother told me passengers do if there is ever an emergency when bringing them to different areas of space.

I unfastened myself from the seat, unlike all the others. The others looked at me strangely. They probably thought I was just a crazy kid. I ran into the back of the ship, and found a door. Exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately, the door was locked. 

Feeling a rush of adrenaline, I broke down the door with a single kick. If I had stopped to think about what I had just done, I may had thought I had superpowers. Inside the room, there was a large airlock, and many smaller ships. Escape pods. 

I quickly boarded one, but had no idea how it worked. After all, I was only 8. I scanned the buttons, and found a big red one. I pushed it, and the airlock opened. The boosters of the pod started up, and I was blasted out.

I looked behind me. I regretted it quickly, as I saw the ship explode. I saw pieces hurdling towards me. The pod was hit, and I was spun around. I was afraid that I was going to die. Luckily, the ship crash landed on a planet. 

I quickly got out of the pod before it could have a chance to explode. I looked around me, but I couldn't tell where I was. Was it a moon, or a planet? Maybe neither. I didn't see any signs of life, so it greatly decreased my chance of the aliens helping me out.

Even though my mom had told me not to worry or to cry, I began to do both. Where was my mother? Was she in one of the rockets that exploded? Did all the rockets explode and I was the only survivor? Where am I? How am I going to get food, water, and shelter if all I have is a broken pod? I finally found myself asleep.

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