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"Uh... what?" I stammered out. X nodded. "Yeah, I know a lot about history considering I have been trapped in a history book for apparently a long time." Brendan and I looked at each other, but it was more of a staring contest, considering we didn't know each other enough to be able to understand one another without speaking.

"But our ship was the only one- but- but- but their the only humans!" Brendan stammered out, obviously pretty confused. "Well I don't know for sure, but that's what the book said. My dad must have seen the pod, and wrote it down for future reference." X paused. "Speaking of my dad, can we please go look for him?"

I was afraid of what would have happened to his dad, and also how he would handle it. It seemed X was grasping at straws in hope he didn't lose his father. I had to agree though, because even if I was curious about a bunch of things X might be able to answer, I had to let him search. And hey, if we were to find his dad, he could help us!

I grabbed the book and tucked in my pocket dimension. "Lets go." X smiled giddily and skipped to the door, Brendan and I quickly followed. X was staring at the pod door. "How do you open this thing?" He asked us. Brendan put his hand on the door, and it opened immediately. "Sorry, I should program both your hand prints in later, don't let me forget." And with that we stepped onto the surface of Titan and started walking to the Human zone, where the elders would be. 

 We went to every pod asking, but no one was able to help. No one was X's dad. X looked like he was on the verge of tears as we headed back to the pod, defeated. I didn't know what to say to him. It seemed he didn't want to talk anyways. Brendan programmed our hands into the pod door in silence, and we headed back to the bedroom.

"I-" X cut me off. "It's ok. I shouldn't have given myself false hope. Maybe I can distract myself by thinking about the escape pod." I nodded. "Yes, that is pretty interesting. If one escape pod managed to escape, we probably should make sure they come join the rest of us humans. We don't want them to be isolated. And maybe they know some helpful stuff!" I said, attempting to brighten the grim mood.

X nodded. "I remember reading that the escape pod a flown past Neptune, so It's either on Pluto, or one of the dwarf planets. Or, maybe even in the nearby solar system, if it made it through the Kuiper belt." I started to think, but Brendan spoke up before I could consider the options. 

"Well, first we need a way to navigate through space. I can fly us, but we'll have to take multiple breaks, or I'll get tuckered out." I nodded slowly. "If we can make it to at least Neptune, then we can make sure it didn't crash on one of it's moons, or worse, gone through the planet. Do you think you can make it?" I turned to Brendan.

"Hmm, not without a break on one of Uranus's moons. Though I don't know which one would be the most hospitable to us. We don't need any run ins with unfriendly territory." He said. I did a quick list of some of the moons that would be the easiest to get to. "If we land on the equator of Miranda, our trip will be 10 times faster."

Brendan thought about it. "Perfect. What time do you two want to leave?" X was the first to respond. "Tomorrow morning. The sooner the better." I nodded. "Sounds good to me." Brendan nodded as well. "Good, now it's settled. Make sure to pack!" And with that the three of us headed to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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