New Home, New Mysteries

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I was pretty embarrassed the whole way to his pod. As I looked around, I could see that the aliens... er, Titans, had a really lovely set up. Their pods were much more colorful and gave of much more light. Brendan showed me the way to his pod, which looked just the same as the other pods I had seen.

I saw my stuff had already been brought to his pod and was lying on the table. I picked it up and Brendan showed me the room. It was the same size as mine had been before the choosing, except it had a bigger bed, a bigger closet, and less drawer space. 

Brendan helped me unpack, and neither of us made any attempt at conversation. After I unpacked, I started to explore his pod. There was the usual greenhouse room, where the food was grown, along with wells that took water straight from under the crust of Titan. 

There was a nice looking kitchen, with all the furniture made from something I didn't know the name of. There was 2 bathrooms, as well as 2 other bedrooms. In my self tour, I noticed a strange chest in the corner of one of the spare bedrooms. 

As I tried to open it, a voice startled me. "I wouldn't bother if I were you." I whirled around and found it was just Brendan. "Why not?" I asked, curious about the chest. "I haven't been able to open it for all my life." He answered, and I sighed with disappointment. 

"Cant you just break it open?" I said while shaking the chest. Brendan shrugged, then quickly flew away from the room, then flew back with a hammer. "Knock yourself out." He said, then sat down on the bed to watch.

Grabbing the hammer, I placed the chest on the ground and stood up. I readied myself for a swing, then came down as hard as I could. The hammer landed in the front of the chest, but still made a hammer sized hole. 

Brendan quickly flew over to me and the chest and put his hand in the hole. He then proceeded to rip the top off the chest. We looked into the chest and found a single book with the title, "Back to the Past"

I gingerly picked up the book, which must have weighed at least 30 pounds. I blew the dust that had collected on the book over the years off the cover. I flipped to a random page in the book, with dust blinding me as I flipped. The page was near the back of the book. I started to read the page aloud. 

"Year: 432085. President Gordan Sauce sends over 100 people on a journey to find a special material known as Marble in the far, far reaches of the galaxy. The journey is presumably going to take 8000 years. Meanwhile, scientists are still trying to figure out how to safely transport people using cryogenic freezing." I finished reading.

"Is this just a history book?" Brendan asked, sounding a little disappointed. I shrugged and flipped to the last page of the book. "Here, lets see when it ends." I said, and began to read aloud again.

"Year: 3.51989 AO. The sun is getting bigger and redder, and the rockets are getting hotter and hotter. The sun eats the Earth like its nothing, and many rockets begin to explode. A single rocket managed to make it to the moon known as Titan, along with many supplies, including this book.  Here we hope that-" It ended there. 

"I guess the book ended 30 years ago then." Brendan said, reading the date. I flipped the page to see if their was a back, only to find many blank pieces of paper. "To write with I guess." I thought aloud, as Brendan nodded, lost in thought.

I grabbed a pen from Brendan and started writing down what the choosing ceremony man always said. "There, now we have contributed to history." I said with a laugh. I then headed to the room with my stuff, and slept, leaving the book on the floor next to me.  

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