The Choosing

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I flattened out my dress. "Do I have to wear this?" I asked. I looked over at my mother, who was busy trying to make adjustments to the dress. "Of course! Todays the choosing ceremony, and you are finally old enough to participate!" She said cheerfully.

I sighed and let her continue. If I got chosen by one of the aliens on the planet, we would be joined together in a marriage like ceremony. We never saw the aliens much on our side of Titan, as they stuck to their own side unless of an emergency, or during the choosing.

I was finally 20, so I was allowed to be in the ceremony, which happened yearly. However, a year on Titan was technically only 15-16 days. I was not too excited to move to the side where the aliens live. But, I did get to move away from my parents, which was a plus. Though my mother was supposed to be in a choosing, there were not enough 20 year old aliens to participate that year, and so she married another human.

I looked into the mirror. My blonde har was curled and put up into a ponytail. I was wearing a orange-ish yellow dress that went down to my ankles. Honestly, I thought I looked pretty good. "May! Hurry, or you'll miss the ceremony!" I heard my neighbor and best friend Claire say. "I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran out the door before my mother could pretty me up anymore.

"You look great!" Claire said in awe. She was wearing the same dress as me, but her jet black hair was in a braided bun. "You do too!" I said encouragingly. we headed to the area where the ceremony was held. 

The aliens were already there, along with the people necessary to help the ceremony be correct. Each of the aliens looked human, but had different wings and tails. Some even had multiple tails or ripped wings. 

This year there was an exact amount  of both us and the aliens. I stood next to the other humans, opposite from the aliens. The alien with a small goat tail and large blue jay wings started the ceremony by explaining the history of how this whole thing started.

"When the sun became a red giant, it pulled Mercury, Venus, Mars, and most importantly, the Earth, into itself. The humans of Earth fled the planet on their high speed rockets and went to various planets and moons they knew were inhabited. However, every rocket but one exploded. The rocket that survived, Helios XXVIII, was set on course to Titan. Once they arrived, we met up with them and learned their story. That was when we all signed the peace treaty. Now we all live peacefully together as Titans, and even the humans would be considered aliens. In order to repopulate the human and Titan population, we began the choosing for all Titans who are of the age of 20. Now, 30 Earth years later, we have the annual choosing! The person who shall start today is Claire!"

I thought he would never stop talking. I gave Claire two thumbs up, as going first had to be the most nerve-racking thing ever. Though, you did get first pick. After thinking for a bit, Claire walked over to the boy with Dragonfly wings, one of which was ripped, and a lion tail. She held out her hand, and the boy, after thinking for a bit, took it. 

We all cheered for them. The two followed one of the Titans for their personal ceremony. Next up was an alien named Brendan to go. He had bat wings and a devil tail. He looked at all of us, then he walked up and held out his hand to... me?

I was a bit startled at first, but then took his hand. It wasn't wise to decline someone as you may not end up getting chosen, and have to wait for the next choosing. If the next choosing you weren't chosen, you would be paired with someone from your own species. 

Me and Brendan followed one of the humans to our area. My mother said it was supposed to be a short ceremony, which I was happy about. After getting a quick rundown, the man threw some crushed up rock from the surface of Titan and sprinkled it over our conjoined hands. Brendan and I were now technically married. How strange. I was going to be officially a Titan and live on their side of the planet in Brendans pod. 

I wan't excited, but I was at the same time. You never knew how well a choosing would go. You could end up having nothing in common, but have to live with them for the rest of your lives. I tried to be assertive. I took Brendans hand, and caught him blush for a bit. "Lets go. Lead the way!" I said, trying to avoid eye contact.

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