Chapter 1

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The train halted to a stop, and my eyes jerked open. The dark and dim room did not help the anxiety from rising. "Where the hell am I?" I thought. I looked around looking for answers, and there were people. They looked just as clueless as I did. I mean, where am I? Where are we? Why am I here? Why can I not remember anything? How did I-

" Alright! Stand up and walk through the door after You number number is called!" There labeled on your Jumpsuits!" An older guy in a navy-blue uniform shouted as he walked through a door, blinding us all with the light. He grabbed a clip board off the wall, and he started to shout out people's numbers at the top of his lungs.

I hadn't even noticed. I looked down and saw I was wearing. The jumpsuits were grey and plain. It's seems as if they are brand new. On the inside of the left forearm is where your number would be, or at least, that's where my number is. He must've had a ton of numbers to call out because he had a clipboard with at least ten pages on it. He continued to call out numbers and I sat there listening for my number, or what I assumed was my number. I looked around once again. Is there anyone here to talk to? I mean, are we even allowed to talk? I had no clue.

"JX-7-4-2-5" the guy called out.

My mind raced. My heart skipped a beat. That's my number. What is going to happen to me? I glanced around the room. "Where do I go after I walk through the door?" I stood up. I am nervous, and my palms are sweating. I nervously glanced around the room again. Is this a thing I do when I get nervous? I pushed my self up.

"Hurry along! We don't have all day!" Yelled the soldier. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ground,"Get up and Go!" He slapped me and pulled me back up off the ground,"Well what are you waiting for?"

I had tears rushing to my eyes. I couldn't cry. I glanced at him, then around the room. I brushed the dirt off of my jumpsuit and snuck a look around. Everyone was staring at me. I wished I wasn't so idiotic and slow. I really didn't like causing a scene.

"Let's go! Stop stalling!" The soldier yelled again.

Again, I looked at him. I looked around the room. Then, at the wide, grey door. I clenched my hands in to a fist and walked towards the door. My nails were digging into the skin on my hand. Would it be insane for them to at least explain what's going to happen to me? To us? I honestly don't know why they could not do that. Okay, it's time to stop stalling. I clenched my fists even tighter, and walked through the door.

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