Chapter 2

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I walked through the door. We were in a huge room, like an auditorium. In the from of the room the was a strange device. It was like a surgeons table with cables above it. Beside the table, there was a selection of things that I couldn't tell what they were.

"Ms. JX-7-4-2-5. Have a seat, please. Your holding up our process." I heard in the distance.

"Hello? Who are you? What's goin-" I yelled.

"Hey! Psst! Sit down before you get us all in trouble!" Called out a beautiful girl with deep blue eyes. She quickly stood up, ran over to me, and forced me to sit down in the seat to the left of her. She was in the same gray, plain clothes I was in. She had the sweetest shade of chocolate brown hair, to the length of her mid back.

"What is going on? Where are we?" I asked.

"Jeez you didn't even ask my name, how rude! I'm only kidding, I have no clue what's going on. None of us do. All I know is I woke up on a train and some guard came in, pushed me around and then I came in here. Oh my god, what happened to your cheek?" She whispered, bringing her hand up to my face and stroking my cheek. She moved her hand away from my cheek and it had a small amount of blood on it.

I brought my hand up to my face. I did have a scratch under my right eye. It must have been from when the guard slapped me.

"Oh I um was slapped by the guard. I sorta froze when my number was called. I caused a whole scene and it was horrible. I'm sorry, what is your name then? I didn't mean to be rude." I inquired. How can she remember her name anyway? I don't even know who I am or how old I am. She now also thinks I am a weak, whiny crybaby who is such a coward.

"I have no clue what my name is, I was just joking around. I can not remember a thing before today. I got here about 2-3 hours ago. They've haven't stopped bringing people here. I would say already they've brought 4000-7000 people in since I have gotten here, and when I got here there was already 100-200 people in here. Whatever they need us for must be tremendously huge. Gee I wonder if they are looking for someone. Maybe they are looking for something. I mean look at us; we all look like we are around 14-17 years old, and it looks like we are all in good health. It would make sense, you know. Do you get my point?" She rambled.

I just nodded my head and looked at her while she talked. She sure loved to talk. We are complete opposites. She seems so laid back about all of this. Perhaps, maybe she

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