The Beginning

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     The Scholar, Red River

Dammit" I growl as the power generator once again sputters with life and dies out again.

   As I start working on it again I hear a box fall and cursing, I look around and see no one, shrugging it off I get back to the generator and than I hear another box fall and more cursing.

  Again I look around trying to figure out where it's coming from, and with the next curse I notice it's coming from the storage shed. Picking up my wrench I go over and open shed door and see something that I definitely was not expecting to see a naked slink.

   We stood there staring at each other neither one of us saying a word.

   "I've never been happier to see you Scholar" Julian says breaking the eerie silence.

  " are you doing here?" I ask perplexed closing the door behind me.

  It looked like for a minute he would come up with a witty excuse but ultimately must of decided against it.

    "Well I put one of my clones...


     "Long story..

     "Sounds like it... anyway go on"

     "Here a long time ago incase Heart changed its mind about me and tried to destroy me.. so I went to the most remote shit hole and put my clone.. well actually this is my real body it was suspended for years. Anyway, I had also put a box of my clothes down here and their gone" he says turning back to the boxes.

   I was just about to ask where he hid his body but that's when I noticed the back paneling of the storehouse was slid back and a cryopod that must be in some sub space because the building ends there.

   I blush a little as he turns back facing me all his manhood available for me to see.

   "Ok I know I'm fabulous and easy on the eyes but I really think I'll need some clothes, do you think you can round me up some, maybe your girl Terry has some extra clothes of her old partners" he says looking me in the eye.

  "We.. actually aren't together anymore we're just friends" I say a little sadly thinking about how after only a couple weeks they weren't compatible like that.

   "Her loss, I guess I'll have to get my revenge naked" he says grinning.

   "No it's ok I'll go see what I can gather up you just wait here" I say turning red again.

   "Thank you Sc.. Myron" slink says catching me off guard, it's been a long time since someone called me by my name.

   Not saying anything I slip out closing and locking the shed behind me and go to the clothes maker and see if he has anything I could trade for. Luckily I happen to have batteries in my pocket which people around here always need.

   When I get there I'm surprised and not that there is an outfit just like Slink was wearing the night I finally ridded my world of the gentleman. Even stranger he wasn't even inquisitive about what I wanted with clothes that would obviously not fit me.

   I try to ignore the fact that I see Terry coming out of the bar everyone knew she was sleeping with the bartender but it was none of my business we were just friends. Even with that in mind I quickly turn and go back to the storage unit before any awkward run in happened.

   I silently go in and lock the door behind me and see slink slumped against the wall and I run over to him.

   "What happened" I ask worried

   "Oh nothing I'm not used to exhaustion and hunger it seems all my adrenaline has run out" he says, I have a million questions zooming through my mind but decide to set them aside and start helping him dress so I could get him back to my apartment to get him fed and some rest. 

  Helping him up we make our way to the door, reaching out I open the door and see Terry staring at me.

  "So this is why you ran off so quickly and here I thought you were avoiding me" she says looking from me to slink, I panic as I think of how the cryochamber is open but when I look over my shoulder it's gone, or closed or whatever happened.

   "So who is this handsome devil you have here?"

   "Julian Slink" he says making a small bow.

   "Isn't he the asshole that put the bomb in your neck?"

   "The very same" Julian says.

   "He's repented and trying a new way of life, he just barely got here and well.. we couldn't wait till we got to the apartment.. I think we went to hard right after his travels cause he's worn out" I say giving a devils grin and when she returns one I relax, she bought it.

   "Here let me help" she says, I'm about to protest but I can feel slink shaking more and knew the more power of his own he lost the heavier he would become, so I nodded and with Terry's help got him into my apartment.

   "Thank you" I say to her as soon as we get slink settled on the couch.

    "No problem let me know if you need anything more.. though I'm guessing he'll be providing all the help you'll need" she says with a twinkle in her eye and gives me a quick hug before leaving.

   "So when do we go get our revenge on Heart" Slink says coldly.

  "After you rest, you can tell me everything and than we will get our revenge" I say not wanting to say anything that will get him to want to stay up longer.

  He looks like he's about to protest but exhaustion takes him, I watch him sleep for a little while before going into the kitchen to make dinner.

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