An interesting tale

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"So what are we having?" I hear behind me and almost jump.

   "What are you already doing up you need rest" I say turning and looking at him, I wasn't sure to be nervous or not at the wicked smile he had on. But the softness in his eyes tells me I don't have to be.

   Blushing I look down, in seconds a long nailed finger pushes my head up

   "You never have to look down, we our equals" he says smiling.

   "I...uh... " I mumble but decide to just go for a nod.

   "You hungry?" I ask fighting my habit to look down.

   "Yes I'm starving" he says grinning now.

I smile back and pick up the bowl that contains the half ass salad I made, though it wasn't completely out of laziness a lot of it was because the crop supply is really low, I'm surprised they get anything to grow so near the scar but somehow they do.

  As I set it down on the small table I turn to get plates but notice Slinks already behind me holding two plates.

   "Thank you".

   "Don't mention it though we might want to get more dishes" he says thoughtfully "though I don't plan for us to stick around in this town that long.

   "We... us" I say as I sit down after putting some on his plate and some on my own.

   "Oh the forks" I say blushing feeling stupid for forgetting.

  But before I could move Slink was already up and getting the forks.

  I smile at him as he hands me mine and sits down across from me.

   "So What is your next plan of action?" I ask him.

  "We our going go take down Heart"

  I look at him here's that we again, why would he want me to go with him? What could I do to help? And what happened to Grace and Arthur?

  "I want you by my side" he says simply, as if he read my mind, and takes a bite.

  "Not to sound ungrateful but we need to get somewhere with real food" he says making a face.

   I can't help but laugh "no worries I also don't care for the food here".

  "So what happened after I stayed behind" I ask him, for part curiosity and part just love hearing him talk.

  'Don't get over zealous Myron' I chastise myself not wanting to get head over heels for someone again, before I know what I'm getting myself into. But as he explains the events that unfolded after Red River I can't help but be captivated by his illustrious voice and his handsome features.

   "Did you hear anything that I just said or are you just admiring me? Don't worry if you where I'm fucking amazing and I have no qualms about retelling my story?" He says grinning.

   "No I heard.." I say half lying I heard the biggest parts.

"So Grace and Arthur are dead?" I ask sadly.

  "Well according to Heart Barbie is locked up somewhere and Heart was to interested in the D'Argento siblings just to let them die that easily, they did go through a lot of trouble to make sure they where both alive as long as they where and could keep a close eye on them." He says making my hope rise that my two friends where still alive.

   "I'm sorry about you and Rasher... I hope he's alright" I say.

   "We both knew one day we might have to split up and I don't hold a grudge on him for what he did, I actually give him kudos for being willing to defy me so openly" he says grinning.

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