Ash cares for Serena

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As Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie were following Fennekin,Pikachu and Dedenne, they realized that they were going into the deep forest., Ash started thinking, "Serena never did well in forests, I am afraid what would have happened to her" Fennekin stopped at one point and so did the others., Ash asked fennekin, "Is this where you saw Serena for the last time, fennekin?" Fennekin answered, "Fen, Fenekin!" Ash got tensed and started looking for her...
All of a sudden, Team Rocket appeared it front of the whole gang and were about to give their usual introduction, Ash interrupted and said, " I have no time for you, Team Rocket!" Jessie replied, "Well, but you may want to make a deal with us!" Clemont said, "We don't want to make any sort of deal with u, Team Rocket!" James nodded, "You might just want to take a look into our Trade!" Ash was very angry by this and Fennekin started shouting "Fenekin Fenekin Fen Fenekin"Ash didn't Understand that., Meowth said, "I am gonna make you cry by taking away your Pikachu!", Ash replied angrily, "What did u say now??" Team Rocket Showed the poor hurt Serena, Ash's face went all red up., and so did for Clemont and Bonnie, Ash said grinning , "TEAM ROCKET" Clemont sent out Bunnelby to use mud shot straightaway, Team Rocket warned them, "If u attack us, we are not gonna let ur girl go!" Everyone in the gang were shocked! Ash was very angry and warned Team Rocket, "wanna see some of my old Pokemons????" Team Rocket don't even want to see any of them!, they nodded, "If u send out another Pokemon, Your friend is done!" "Lets see what U are capable of!" Ash replied.

Ash sent out his sinnoh Pokemon Infernape and Hoenn Pokemon, Sceptile.... Team rocket were stunned! They did not want to Battle the old Pokemons!, Clemont was very afraid and asked Ash, "Is it fine if you send out your Pokemon?" Ash replied, "I know Team Rocket for years., and I know they are still the same" Ash was very angry with Team Rocket, and Team Rocket replied., "We....uh//....." Ash didn't wait for their reply, He said, " Lets Throw them out of here!, Infernape, use Flamethrower!" Team Rocket were hit and said as they were flying "We are blasting off, once again!' Ash went to the poor and Hurt Serena., and so did, Clemont and Bonnie., Serena could hardly open her eyes., Ash started crying, but controlled his tears and said "It was all my mistake,,....... I.... I Should have never left you alone.....I....I...I am so sorry, Serena., I swear I won't do this again>..." Serena's wound may hurt her a lot but Ash's words were like a lotion to cure those wounds.,

Ash, Clemont and Bonnie were thinking of what to do..... Ash suddenly took out his Pokemon from the Kanto region, Charizard., He said to Clemont and Bonnie, "I and Serena will go on Charizard..... You two....." Clemont replied, "we two will find our way!" Ash was over-joyed, He replied "Thanks., huh? I mean..... That's great of you" and he carried Serena and flew away.... Bonnie said to Clemont, " I could have flied with them, too!, Why didn't u wanna fly??" Clemont replied, "Bonnie, you are toooooooo young to know the reason....." Bonnie said "Whatever, Lets walk through..." While Ash and Serena were flying, Serena could hardly open her mouth, She wanted to tell something to Ash., But Ash said "You are very hurt now..... Don't Talk!" That just stopped Serena from talking...They arrived at the Pokemon Center and Ash asked Nurse Joy to have a look at Serena., Nurse Joy looked at her and was quite worried, Herself., seeing her worry, Ash asked "Is that a-a-a  bi-big problem?" Nurse Joy replied, "No need to worry, she's all fine, nice timing, Kid" Ash was very relieved and Clemont and Bonnie arrived just now.,., They asked Ash if Serena was okay., Ash replied "She's all fine now...." a bit worried....

Ash went near a Lake and was sitting there, alone, till he met an Old Lady who was in Danger, Ash helped her and the Old Woman noted that Ash was so worried and asked, "What is your Problem?" Ash replied, " I have mo problems, Ma'am..."
The Old Lady understood that it was a critical one., and she said to Ash "Well, today's Kids are worrying a lot...." Ash replied "we have worries to be worrying..." The old Lady replied "so., U have a problem.... go ahead, you saved my life, I can solve your problem..." Ash replied, "It is not a problem, just a worry" , He told the old lady the whole story and she replied "So you are worrying about your Girl Friend...." Ash nodded quickly and replied "She is not my girl friendddddddddd!" old Lady replied "what about friend?" Ash replied "that will suite... " old Lady said " U have to stop worrying.... It's time you go see her... She must be alright for now...." Ash replied very angrily all of a sudden, "I HAVE A DIFFERENT JOB, NOW., HAVE TO GO.,  thank u for your advice" Ash left the place very angrily, old Lady asked, "what's more important than your friend?" Ash replied, "It's for her,.... more likely it's a Hard feeling called- 'REVENGE'" The old Lady was shocked.... Ash left the place...

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