Chapter 14 - Bothered

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Taeyeon's POV

I grimaced as I rub the already forming bruise from Mr Byun's strong grip.

"Aigoo..." Tiffany let out a concerned breathy sigh as she turned my head left and right, peering closely at my jaw.

"How dare he hurt your face? I mean he's your step-bro. You gotta tell your mom." Tiffany squinted her eyes as if she was the one feeling the soreness.

"Don't worry it will heal in a few days." Seohyun, the smart one among the nine of them spoke as she looked up from the book she was reading quietly.

"But still... Our leader's face is ruined." Tiffany was making a big fuss about this when I couldn't even be bothered by the pain. I was just bothered by the way he acted. He doesn't have to be so... rough, does he?

"Just leave him be. He's such an a**hole." Sooyoung clicked her tongue in dismay.

Day 6 without parents...

No one's POV

Taeyeon couldn't sleep well last night. She felt was bothered. Baekhyun came home so early even though there was school today.

Wait. Why was she even concerned?

There's just this nagging feeling in her that was asking her to and not to ask him what happened to him.

Siblings are supposed to look out for one another right?

"Yah, where were you yesterday? You weren't back early." Taeyeon stumbled on a few words as she encountered him at the dining room.

"What the hell does it got to do with you? I have my own life." He scowled as he sat down at the dining table, holding his head with a contorted expression on his face.

"Alcohol?" Taeyeon raised an eyebrow at him. So he actually drank? Even when he knows he's underaged!? Wait. He drank the last time too. But heol can't he even wait like a year more or something?

"Wow you're so observant." He cackled. The alcohol effect must have not left him completely yet because right now he's acting like a witch.

"Get your head together, there's school. Go get ready," Taeyeon huffed. "Mrs Ju! Can you cook some hangover soup? Someone drank so much and came back home late and is suffering as much as he deserves it." I took a slice of bread and walked away in annoyance.

"YAH- owh... My head hurts... My head hurts..." Baekhyun cried as he rested his head on the table.

"Young master! Oh my... You reek of alcohol. Why are you even drinking at this age?" Ahjumma came out with the pot of soup in no time and was surprised to see Baekhyun wrecked.

"Just leave me alone. Aish... My head is pounding even mORE because of you." He grumbled as the soup was placed in front of him.

Taeyeon's harsh footsteps sounded loudly throughout the entire house, making Baekhyun, who was drinking his soup, scowl in her direction.

"Yah! Can you be quiet?! My head is hurting and I would like to eat in peace." He complained.

"I have a name and it's Taeyeon, not "Yah" and by the way we- I mean, you are going to be late, Mr Byun." Taeyeon hurriedly put on her shoe and ran out of the house.

"I can just go later. Like who cares about that shitty school." Baekhyun then accidentally scalded his tongue when he drank to quickly.

"AHHHH MY TONGUE!" He hopped around, fanning his poor tongue in pain. He was served a glass of water to soothe his burning tongue.
The day went past in the blink of an eye and Baekhyun had decided to not go to school.

Taeyeon came back home, sluggishly dragging her bag from the hallway up to her room.

"Yah you didn't go to school today? Why? 'Cause you were a wreck today?" Taeyeon came down after her shower and changed into more comfortable clothes.

"Shut up. I'm watching TV." Baekhyun barked, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"But... Why were you acting like some alley gangsters yesterday at school?" Taeyeon cautiously questioned.

"Just..." He gave a short answer it didn't satisfy Taeyeon.

"Just? Are you kidding me? You nearly killed someone! In school!" It had bewildered Taeyeon at his negligence of people's wellbeing.

"Aish I can't even watch TV in peace with your constant nagging. Yah, I didn't you know what kind of person I was?" Baekhyun got up from the sofa and made slow steps towards her. "We've been in the same school for some time and you didn't know? I mean, well, I get it that there's that 'clear line' separating us boys from you girls." He pocketed his hands as he leaned forward closely to Taeyeon's face.

"So we should separately handle our matters ourselves, shouldn't we?" He smirked as Taeyeon stared at him in the orbs.

"I'm going to my room. Don't ever question my doings, ever again." He brushed past her, making Taeyeon stumble.

She let out the breath she was holding unknowingly.

"So I was bothered about him for nothing."

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