Chapter 20 - Their Pasts

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Taeyeon's Past...

Just at the age of 7, her father had passed on. Her mother who suddenly had to take on the responsibility of the company, left her behind at her aunt's place, only taking Taeyeon's brother with her.

Taeyeon's aunt was nowhere near the definition of good. She had always thought of Taeyeon as an extra burden on top of her own three kids.

Her three kids, two girls and one boy, were like the spoiled step-sisters in Cinderella, always getting what they wanted, turning the situation to the their favour. Lying through their teeth was also their forte.

The boy was exceptionally spoilt. Boys were generally treated like Princes in comparison to girls and it was true in this case. He was pampered, a mama boy. He was always given the perception that boys are above the girls.

So whenever he didn't like something, the anger was thrown at Taeyeon. Then the girls would lie, accusing Taeyeon for agitating their brother in the first place and the poor girl had to suffer being locked up in her small storage room.

Other instances were when the brother threw a fit and beat his sisters up, the boy lied and said Taeyeon had made him do it. Her aunt then took a bamboo stick and beat her, before locking her up in that room.

For years, she had been locked up in that room, with scarcely any food and water, just enough to survive. She had then developed her claustrophobia. Seeing herself locked in a space for too long made her feel sick.

What was considered the worst was when her mother came back to bring her home for good, her aunt had lied, saying that Taeyeon was good, nothing had happened for the few years she spent with them and that everyone got along. Taeyeon's bruises were hidden under the sleeves of her sweater. Taeyeon had tried to walk normally but it did not go unnoticed.

Taeyeon's mother was no idiot. When they got back home, she rolled her sleeves up and bruises were found everywhere. She gasped and cried in pain for her child had been abused and her own sister had lied to her.

Taeyeon cried too, finally being able to be with her mother who she missed so dearly everyday, praying to be brought back home as soon as possible.

"I'm so sorry my dear child. I'll never leave you alone again."

It was from this that Taeyeon also learnt not to be evil. Evil is no good.
Baekhyun's Past...

The Byun family was a normal, happy family. Going out on trips was their favourite thing to do as soon as the school holidays start for Baekhyun.

His father would make time away from the company and they would travel to new places around the world.

His parents were also supportive of everything he did. When he said he wanted to learn the piano, they got a teacher for him and he learnt earnestly. Occasionally he would play the pieces he had just learnt.

His mother convinced him to take on hapkido, as it can be used to protect himself from future harm. He learnt it earnestly, with the thought of protecting his loved ones with his skills. He won many medals in national competitions, most were gold.

His mother was always by his side, because his father had a company to care for. Naturally, he was closer to his mother. You could say he hardly saw his father on school days. Whenever his father would arrive home from work, exhausted, he would be in bed already asleep.

All was good until the day his mom fell ill. At first everyone thought it was a just a flu, but the coughing worsened, never getting better. It was until Mr Byun decided not to neglect his wife anymore and sent her to the hospital for a full body check-up, to see if there was a cure for his beloved.

However, it was all too late.

Baekhyun's mother was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. It was a huge blow to Baekhyun. When he heard the news, he had locked himself up in his room, crying almost 24/7, refusing to eat or go to school.

To him his mother was the most important. If he'd lose his mother, he'll feel like dying.

Everyday, he could see his mother's body weakening, little by little. Her coughs worsened to the point she couldn't speak a sentence without stopping to cough badly.

And the day Baekhyun dreaded had came two years later.

He had suicidal thoughts after his mother passed on, thinking of joining her in heaven. It was when he started having heart problems, and had to go under medication for probably his whole life.

His father was also devastated at the loss of his wife, blaming himself for not paying more attention to her and for being to be busy. Now his family was incomplete and he honestly felt uncomfortable to be alone with his son. Baekhyun felt the same way too for communication between the two was almost non-existent.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years, and Baekhyun was still missing his mother.


Some sort of a filler (?) chapter?

Sorry for not updating my brain is fried im not kidding my homework and revision is all over the place, hence the occasional updates only *cries*

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