Welcome Home

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The sound of screeching tires coming to a halt was what startled Sage Leroy awake from a minor nightmare, thankfully it wasn't like the ones she has been having. She rubbed at her sleep-filled eyes and looked around before landing on the smiling lady who was facing her, eyes filled with an emotion that Sage could only identify as pity.

"Were here, dear. Mister and Misses Black and your new brother and sister are waiting for you. Would you like me to help escort you in?" Ms. Kyles, her social worker, asked softly. Sage shook her head, her grayish-brownish hair falling into her eyes. She really just wanted to go back to the foster care -- at least there she didn't have to worry about people.

"You know, it's only a year till I'm legal. I can get a good job and rent a small apartment under your supervision..." She tried one more time, desperate to not have to live with these people. They weren't mean by any means, she had met them a week before, and they were providing and giving her so much, but it wasn't her family. Ms. Kyles sighed, her sad eyes closing for a second before reopening and staring at the large house behind Sage's head through the window.

"Honey, you know we can't do that. Plus, we both know you'll benefit from being around a family environment. It's only temporary, and if they turn out to be wicked monsters, you know how to contact me." The worker replied, trying to lighten the mood and make the frightened girl more comfortable with the situation. "Look, Sage, I know this is hard-" She started, but was cut off by the now angry female, a glare sent her way as she spoke.

"What would you know about this? Have you ever had your parents killed? Have you ever walked into a room, expecting to see your sleeping sibling, only to see them brutally cut open and mutilated? No? Then don't you dare try to sympathize with me!" Sage seethed, opening the car door and stepping out, then angrily slamming it shut behind her. She went to the trunk that had been opened when they had halted to a stop. She grabbed the couple of bags she had then walked -- more like stomped -- her way up to the door.

She reached the top of the steps and went to go knock, but the door was already opening, revealing a girl who looked to be about 13. She was small and slim, her eyes a honey color and her hair as dark as night. She was pale, just like Sage, and had a small smile on her lips. She was dressed nicely, some black shorts and some band shirt that happened to have one of Sage's favorite bands on it. Maybe she would like at least one person after all.

"You must be Sage!" The girl spoke, her voice soft and gentle, making Sage feel calm and a bit more at ease. The older nodded, confirming the excited statement, giving the younger girl a little smile.

"Yeah, that's me. I can come in... Right?" She asked, chuckling awkwardly. The girl nodded and stepped aside, Sage walking in and looking around in awe. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was definitely a lot nicer than the little trailer she had lived in her whole life. The look was modern, the color scheme is beige and dark brown, with the accent color of red. It was so beautifully decorated that Sage couldn't help but appreciate whoever had decorated it.

"Doesn't it look nice? Mom is an interior designer! She decorates all of our rooms and they all turned out amazing! She looked at your interests and such on the papers and did the room how she thought you would like it! And since you're the oldest, you get your own bathroom, too." The younger said, giving Sage a wide smile. She grabbed Sage's hand and began pulling her up some stairs that went up, had a landing, then went up two different ways. They took the left way, where she was lead down a hallway and to the last door that was centered at the end of the hallway. "I'm so glad that I'm the one who caught you first! I wanted to meet my new big sister and show you your room! Do you like makeup? I always wanted to learn properly, since the makeup gurus aren't too helpful." She continued to babble.

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