Him (TW// Self harm + Manipulation)

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It wasn't till Sage pulled up to the park that she began to panic, wondering how she had ended up like this, wondering how she would survive it. It seemed just like yesterday she was in her old, little, cozy trailer, eating with Sierra and her family - well, Sierra was basically her family - and enjoying life. Now, she sat here in her car, family murdered and her new family caught up in the middle of this, about to meet her family's killer. If she just followed what he says though, she should be fine. He obviously needed her so she should be safe.

She opened the door and got out on shaky legs, stuffing her keys and phone and in her pockets then began to walk. She was shaking more and more as she walked until she was fully incapable of holding it now. She was freezing and scared and she probably looked like the crazy one out here at night in this, wandering around aimlessly.

"'Bout time, sweetheart. Starting to think you weren't coming."

The voice sent straight up shivers down the teen's spine. It was a raspy voice, deep and almost alluring. And if it had been anyone else, she would have thought it was even hot. She turned on her heel to face the guy, instantly wishing that she hadn't.

He was standing right there in all his killer glory, and he was so tall that Sage had to look up. He was only about 6'5" but she was tiny. He wore a simple white hoodie, stained with questionable substances, and black pants along with black shoes.

And then she noticed it.

His skin was white, almost milky, and his eyelids were nonexistent, black rings circling the dark eyes. His smile, however, carved brutally into his face and still sort of bloody, but definitely not new. Under all that though, there is no doubt how attractive he was. A nice chiseled face, pretty smile, all those pretty boy traits. He was muscled, not too much, but enough to make the little more than average guy back off.

She let out a soft squeak and backed up, gulping down the saliva that had collected in her mouth.

"Look, we don't have all night. If you don't want me to fucking kill you, get your ass in gear," he snarled, grabbing the girl's hand aggressively and yanking her towards her car.

"I was expecting something else," was all she said, letting him guide her wherever.

"Yeah, whatever," Jeff responded monotonously.

There was no further conversation till they were both in the car, sitting there, Sage very obviously shaking.

"If you don't start this damn car and get going, I'll slit your damn throat!" he seethed, grabbing the keys from her and slamming them into the ignition and starting it.

Sage snapped out of it and began to drive, asking him which way to go then doing as told. Her whole body was rigid as she drove, not even daring to look at him again, afraid she might get hurt, or even killed.

"I don't want to die," she sobbed out softly, hands clenching at the steering wheel, her eyes already leaking tears now.

"That's what they all say, honey, but do you think I care? Everyone begs for their pathetic life like it means something to me. Like I will suddenly just stop. That's not how it works."

"Why me, then? Why haven't you killed me? Why are you doing this?"

Jeff's actual lips curled up a bit at that, causing the carved in cuts in his cheeks to open and ooze blood.

"You're a nice, pretty little thing. Easy to manipulate. You already lost one family, you definitely don't want to lose this one. You're too scared to go against me, too scared to try and fight me. And it gets me going. How submissive you were after talking to me. You didn't hesitate to listen."

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