Months on end

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~3 months LATER ~

As weeks passed,the ring leader's power only grew,gaining more and more slaves...A sword thrower,a target and 2 dare devils.One has telekinesis.

~Yuki's P.O.V~

"Hahaaaaa en garde",The red hared twins played together in the sun.It felt fine watching them.Nobody knew as to how they got here they simply appeared,much like we.Nobody dares to even ask how I got here.To be honest I don't even remember.My role in the circus,you ask?Well I'm the sword thrower.Every circus needs a sword thrower!

None of us knew our names when we first came.None of us knew our orgins.We still are still in the grey about our TRUE identities and our purpouse.My name you ask?,Well my name is simply Yuki...what a silly name...but that's not really relevant.Those twins.They can help us.They can help ME."COME ON EVERYONE THE SHOW WILL START IN 1 HOUR,WE NEED EVERYTHING TO BE READY!",shouted Trin.Not this again."I plundered towards the circus, watching as the children as they packed away their toys.They were so precious...too bad that nobody saw what was underneath those masks...

~Nicole's P.O.V~

"Where do you want this?",I asked, holding a tiger and slightly giggling "hnnnn...Prissy!Retreat!",Steph shouted as the tiger that I held vanished in a beacon of light.She stared me down."I was only joking...ok I wanted to ask you this earlier but....Prissy!?",I giggled,questioning the name Steph gave to her Tiger."Hnuuuuuhhhh...You're older than me but not very mature,I nearly died when I named I have died."she murmered,giving me a murdrerous stare and I smiled"hmph...just prepare the have the strength for THAT",she said.I laughed a little, grabbing one of those massive poles that the acrobats were ment to stand on before the show and sticking them into the ground like it weighed nothing."My,my I'm getting better",I praised myself."sorry I had a crap day...",Steph apologised."When is it NOT a bad day? Whats on your mind? please tell me...",I begged as I was somewhat worried about her,however she just walked away murmling."I NEED to get the animals redy...",I waved and put up another pole when I herd a voice"Hello Nicole",It was my friend, Claude.I had met him that day when I nearly lost my Stephie,ever since then he comes to see me once in a while.He comforted me whilst I was in my lowest.He helped me when I  needed it.He was more than a friend...much more than a friend to me..."Hi,Claude.How are you?",I asked,not knowing what to talk about but he gave me a cold reply "fine",in his sovereighn voice.It soothed me to hear his voice but every time he said that word,it was as if he'd just shot me.Unhappy,I sighed"Parys left with a noble man...and ever since then Steph has been acting strange",I coldly said." not feel anguished my dear,Parys leads a good life in India",He said with a kind tone "Heh...that calms me",somehow,I knew that he would never lie to me.I smiled as I prepared the rest of the trapeze,balancing on the plank that I put in the middle of the two poles.It wasn't like anything would happen to me if I fell.

"C-Claude...please don't ever leave me for long...",I stuttered but I was met with silence."Nicole...I promise...but you have to remember...",he sighed "Remember WHAT , Claude?!...I can't remember...I knew you right? my past...didnt I..!?",I snapped at him,not being able to control myself.Once again,there was a silence.I looked around and he was gone."coward",I muttered as I hit myself in the head."I wish I remember...I WANT to remember!",I shreaked.

"Who are you talking to?!",It was the ring master...he kept me isolated...he kept all of the acts isolated..."J-just myself...sir",I shouted but very weakly down at him as he franticly shook the pole,causing me to fall.I spread my wings,gliding down."You're getting better...But",He held a knife and he pulled my head towards his mouth and whispered"Do NOT speak to anyone...DO NOT REMEMBER...You'll get punished....",I couldnt stand it anymore...knife or no knife I tried to slap him yet I couldn't slap him,almost,as if a force held me from him.I twitched strongly"How dare you!?"He shouted, cutting a terifying chelsie smile into my right cheek..."You're lucky that the crowd loves you...",He said as I was grasping for all of the stuffing."now fix this", he muttered as he threw a needle and a role of thread on my head...

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