Freedom in the light or the darkness?

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~Back to the future~

"What-what's going on...",we both turned our heads to the place where the noise came from and,to our suprise,it was Steph.She was asleep,holding an oil lamp.After seeing us two she giggled,her smile slowly turned upside down as she pointed to the discorded man standing,smiling psychotically in one of the corners,his smile was twisted and mutilated.Claude and I let go of eachother,he braced himself as I clenched his fists,ready for battle"Nicole,I command you to KilL Claude",The disfigured man had said in a calm and yet powerful tone.My eyes widened as I began to see in red and I moved towards Claude."I-I-I can't...I have-h-have t-t-to",I summoned my scythe,It had a little black ribbon,tied into a bow attatched above the blade but the scythe itsself was anything but little.My wings were held grandly open as I swong my scythe at Claude,I didn't feel anything as Claude let out a  long,piercing cry,me cutting right through his chest and shoulder.He had fallen to his knees."N-Nicole don't make me do this...this isn't you",Stephie stuttered as she moved backwards "Prissy,Now!",she shouted as a beam of light summoned a grand tiger.I looked into Claude's terified eyes,it was the first time that I saw him this way.He didn't fight,He just turned his head to the man.The tiger had attacked the man and he faught back I immedietly grabbed the tiger by the back of the neck and,at that moment I felt that same feeling that I felt when i sighned that damned contract,only to see Steph on the floor holding her neck,Claude on the other side clutching his shoulder,blood spilling out.I realised what exactly I was doing,tears ran down my cheeks as I let go of the fatigued tiger."Nicole? What's the problem!?...Kill them BOTH!",The man demanded "NO,NEVER!",I retaliated. "YES FOREVER!",He yelled "How dare you insurge?!", he raised his hand to slap me but I grabbed it I felt my vision turning crimson"What don't you understand?I have been made to punish",I said as I smiled,holding him by the neck,his face went blunt as I let him fall to the ground and all the other acts rushed in.I swong my scythe one last time that night,now covered in the blood of a man who was once human yet lay,currupted and limp,his headless body.I let go of my scythe and my vision turned normal again.I walked to Steph.I sighed,fell to my knees and looked upon her and Claude who stood up holding his wounded shoulder..."I-m-I'm..."
I whimpered as all the others were helping Steph her up...Then suddenly I felt power,I felt...
I taisted
I smelled
I smiled weakly
I finally knew where I belonged
I finally knew who I was
a beakon of light arose from me as I felt reincarnated into the better,once again I saw in colour.My eyes were finally open...
My skin now didn't feel ragged but soft as human.
My wings,now once again granted the ability to fly and were open freely,no longer crippled behind.
My heart once beating warm blood was so very alive.
My wounds healed swiftly
I heard a voice "Thank you",It whispered
I smiled once more...
I was flying,levitating,my arms and hands held out to Claude and as he held me I saw even more...

~Flashback or extra back story if you like to call it that way~

I was about 8 in human years when it happened.Father couldn't be with me as he was an angel,an impure,discusting angel.They might of even killed me if they found out about my existance,besides,there is no room for demons in heaven...not even the ones with thoes cute,innocent dark blue dosen't burns.
My mother was a demon she may of seemed to be the only one that was left to care for me at that time but,forever gone she was,seeming as she signed a faustian contract with some snob on Earth,ahh Earth what a wonderful place of colour,not only crimsom but blue,green and even yellow...I also didn't have much friends down in hell,all but one would constantly abuse me and the fact that I was a little bit gullable,constantly daydreeming and clumsy didn't help me much at that time...

I watched pittifuly as mum had left me,I still remember,eventhough it's been centuries,her telling me to not speak with strangers,go home after midnight and all the la-di-da that young childreh hear when their parents go out somewhere but I didn't see much point as no one even cared for me.After she had left,I looked for a nice place to sit and think .I thought about how much I wanted to see that infamous Earth.Puzzled,it felt like I was being watched,I stood up and walked a little when I noticed a well dressed little boy looking at me from the other side of the so called plains.He stood,smiled and waved.It was the first time that someone new had waved at me instead of laughing histerically but he didn't act that way.I approached him carefully and he introduced himself to me,his name was Claude.What a silly name I thought at that time but,oh well he was a friend and that was more than I could ever wish for.(Although it was prettymuch taboo for a "pure" demon to be with people such as Nicole).We grew up together,he teaching me how to dance and cook,I telling him stories of Earth that my mum had been bringing back in her experiences "Earth...I want to live there once...and You,know what,how bout we both live there...together!",he said and I giggled as we lay in a so called field.We giggled and even laughed together he was my only friend but I needed no more all I wanted was to be with him...Sadly,since he was older than m,he had to go to a prestigious "school" and I was left to take care of myself on most days...

As almost all do,the demon became starved.Dredded the day and I wished it would never come.It was the day he sighned a faustian contract.I was alone again and began to wither inside.I felt rage but not towards him, having demon blood inside...I needed to find a way to live, myself so I worked along side some nonsentinent beings in a place humans feared,the purgatory,not making fun but it was amusing watching the humans cry.I met a lot of creeps...liars and traitors...from every period of time on Earth,18000, 2000,1000 and so on and so on...But they all deserved to cry in pain.I now remembered how fun it was to hear their blood curdling crys...I now remember the power I had over them...but it wasn't enough...I wanted more,I craved  Earth so I signed a contract myself,not knowing what I was plunging into...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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