Problem #6

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*on the bus filled with smol children*

Kid 1: You're a retard! Your IQ is negative 6!
Kid 2: No! You're an idiot! Don't make me hit you!
Kid 1: You couldn't hurt me! You're not strong!
Kid 2: I can lift a whole couch!!
Kid 1: No you can't! You're stupid! You have a 0 IQ!!
Me: *thinking* First of all you little twat you probably don't know what IQ means that's why you've been using it wrong every time you open your mouth. At least kid 2 has an IQ above a 0 unlike you so shut up before I stab you with my pencil. And I hope kid 2 does hit you because you're the most annoying child I have ever heard pls leave you little twat.
Me: *angrily sits silently*

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