Problem #19

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So I hate being center of attention with a passion. Or being singled out in any situation for that matter, it terrifies me.


In band class there are two trumpets (at least that actually play and have been playing for over a marking period of school *cough*) one of which is me.
We did seating auditions to basically order who did the best on the test to who didn't do very good, of course me and the other trumpet who plays were top to (I got first which is honestly terrifying to me)
And our band teacher likes to pick groups of instruments to play one at a time.
Basically I was the only one playing and I was shaking so much I could barely hold it, I kept having to take a lot of breaths because I was faltering a lot.
Even if its two groups at the same time or even the whole band with just a slightly louder trumpet part I start to shake and actually hyperventilate because my nerves kill me.
I sit on my hands a lot to stop myself from shaking/not let people see me shaking and hyperventilating.

And that's just one good example^^

I. Hate. Being. The. Center. Of. Attention.

And I know there's people who like to be noticed and in the spotlight so they can shine and impress other people. But not me XD I am the opposite.

So yee. I love comments and I'll reply to every comment I can <3 and tbh I love knowing that I'm not the only one who can relate to these problems XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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