chapter 9

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Heyooooo! So.... i'm kinda having a bad day since... i got replaced in class presidency. I was doing my job. My classmates (not really all of them) are legitimate assholes who can't think for shit. Well... not all of them, but if you're my classmate and you're reading this... you know damn right who you are and what you've done.

-Author Senpai 💔 (September 30,2017)

Eren's POV

I breathed out, calming myself. I cried for 4 hours straight, I couldn't calm down. Levi is surely going to be expecting me to be there tonight... I pondered for a moment, thoughts of what could happen clouded my head. What if Levi finds someone better and leaves me?  That thought made me break a little. I was practically crumbling apart, almost breaking completely.

I sighed, standing up and looking at my reflection in the water. My hair was messy, my clothes were wrinkled, and my eyes were bloodshot. I sniffled, walking into the little cabin where I slept for the time being. I looked up at the ceiling, seemingly interested in it for once. i noticed all the small details on the wood. Some of it chipped off, broken. It basically reflected what I am at the moment. 

I laid down, exhaustion taking over. I laid there asleep, a single tear running dow0n my face.

Levi's POV

I pondered, thinking about the events that would take place tonight.  I stood up, removing the invisible dust from my clothing. It's almost time for the ball to start, surely the guests are already here at this very moment. 

"Sire, the ball is about to start. You wouldn't want your guests to wait now, do you?" Arwen said, peeking in my room. "I'll be down in a moment." I stated, standing up. Arwen nodded and left. I cracked my knuckles. Guess it's time now, huh?  I breathed out and ran to the double doors to the ball room. I looked at Kaz, nodding. He opened the double doors.

It's time.......

Petra's POV

I smirked, looking down at the attire that i'm wearing.  A black dress lined with red, my pendant in my hand. I put on the pendant and smoke surrounded me. The smoke soon dispersed, revealing a carbon copy of that Jaeger kid. I pushed open the double doors of the castle and stood, the guests all looking at me in wonder. 

I finally got their attention......

Eren's POV

I awoke, looking at the ceiling. My cheeks stained with dried up tears. The party is tonight. I rose up from the bed, my head throbbing. I better get to the castle.

As if my thoughts were heard, I turned into a swan. I sighed, silently crying my heart out. I flew out the window, my emerald and pristine white feathers shining in the moonlight.

The atmosphere was cold; the tips of my feathers freezing. The tear stains beginning to freeze onto my face. My wings spread as I came upon the castle. I perched on a window, i could see the whole ballroom. I tucked back my wings and made myself comfortable on the slab.

I looked at all the crowd, spotting Levi with someone. I squinted, trying to confirm what i saw.

I-is that me?!?!

Narrator's POV

Eren was mad--- no, he was fuming with anger. An impostor?! Really?! Eren thought aloud in his head. The brunette wanted to stab a bitch. His feathers rose in anger; his face scrunched in a scowl. He really needed to find out who the impostor was.

Meanwhile with Levi and the impostor, Levi was smiling. He was laughing with the impostor. The raven looked into the eyes of the carbon-copy of his lover; his eyes glistening with love. Eren felt envy swell inside of him, his eyes filled with fury. The impostor didn't deserve any of Levi's love. The next thing the raven did shocked the brunette; Levi kissed the impostor.

Eren felt his heart shatter, his eyes widened. Tears were running down poor Eren's face. The brunette sniffled as he watched the whole scene play. Droplets of rain started to pour down; the brunette looked up to see the sky in despair. The night sky reminded him of his lover's eyes. Looking back at the ballroom, Eren noticed something; the impostor wasn't there.

His eyes flashed dangerously, he needed to find out who the impostor was. He flew around the castle, eyes searching for a specific person. At some point, he stopped at a window on one of the towers. He peeked inside, what he saw shocked him more than he would thought.

Just how cruel was this world?

Author's note (October 21,2017)
I'm over the loss of my presidency. I kind of hate some of them for thinking that I wasn't good enough. So, here's a new chapter. Jazmine kept bugging me to update so... here it is. I hope you guys enjoyed, leave a vote if you want more of this book and also follow me for more future books/fanfictions that have yet to come. Thank you so much and I'll see you all soon!

-Author senpai ❤

(Exactly 10:00 PM that i finished this.)

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