Chapter Two

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After his battles with Ultron alongside the Avengers, Thor was drained. He felt it in his bones that the brink of another conflict was soon to be approaching the realms, but he didn't know exactly when. The emergence of  the infinity stones at a rapid rate alarmed him, and he was kept on his toes constantly. However, he was glad to be home.
"Welcome home, my king," Heimdall greeted him with a bow. Thor chuckled.
"Not quite yet, as I am occupied, but soon. Soon."
Heimdall placed his golden sword back into its holder and closed off the portal, sending a nice breeze of wind through Thor's golden locks. "As you wish. You will be pleased to know that everything is as normal as it was when you left." His eyes glinted their golden shimmer.
"I am glad to hear that," Thor nodded. "Now, I must return to the palace, for I'm sure that my father must meet with me."
Heimdall obliged and with that, Thor took off in flight with Mjolnir, soaring over the Bifrost. The wind in his hair and the feeling of the realm's atmosphere itself made him feel refreshed, as he had truly missed this while he was off fighting in other worlds. After flying over the rainbow bridge, he landed in front of the palace walls, and upon walking through the entrance, he was immediately in the throne room. At the opposite end of him stood a figure on the throne.
"My son, I am deeply honored to hear of the leadership and bravery you displayed in your acts of combat," Odin stated, sitting up in his chair.
"Thank you, Father, I did all that I was able," Thor answered. "But I would not have been able to have done it without my colleagues."
"That is understandable. However, for your bravery, for your sacrifice, and for your contribution to restoring peace throughout Yggdrasil, I have decided that it is best to hold a feast for you tonight in your honor." Odin relaxed a little and exhaled. "I know you do not wish to be king. I know of your passion to keep peace between the Nine Realms, and I understand that it is a necessary measure that one must take, if he be worthy. That is why you possess the mighty hammer, my son."
      "Father, that is more than kind," Thor smiled slightly, but he looked down. "However, I do not think that I deserve such a celebration. I've learned that humility overpowers all good deeds and rewards more than tangible rewards..." As he looked back up, however, he noticed that Odin took a deep breath, seeming almost disappointed beneath his tough outer layer. "...but for once, I believe a little celebration would not hurt."
      "Excellent," Odin shifted in his throne. "Be ready in three hours' time. The servants have already begun their work. Now, go."
      Thor breathed a sigh of peace. "Thank you, Father." He walked over towards the right wing of the throne, towards his chambers. As he left, Odin relaxed. Suddenly, with Thor gone, Odin took a long, deep breath, and instead of getting up to go to his own chambers to prepare for the evening festivities, he transformed into none other than the god of mischief himself. Loki smirked as he relaxed on his throne, knowing his plan and knowing exactly his intentions. "You have no idea."

The cool water felt almost just as refreshing as returning to Asgard after all this time as Thor splashed it onto his face, wiping it off with a soft towel. He walked towards the open columns and closed his eyes, taking in the sounds of the Asgardian wildlife and slicking his wet hair back as he leaned on the stone railing. Everything was good. Everything was peaceful. Thor was content. While he certainly did enjoy the adrenaline rush of battle, he always looked forward to the familiar feelings of home. This place was where he was rooted, and he kept that in his heart, despite his robust nature.
      Thor then went over and picked up his hammer, which was immediately drawn to his hand. He ran his hand over the cool metal, along the small scratches and indentations that decorated its surface as well as the supple leather that covered the handle. This hammer had been in a lot of battles throughout the entirety of the Nine Realms and had endured so much.
     Suddenly, Thor threw the hammer out the window as far as he could manage. He had to let off some energy, of course. After focusing on  one thing after the other, he had to express a little freedom. He waited for the hammer to return. Thor had indeed thrown it as far as he possibly could, and he believed that it had even reached the Bifrost, but he was not certain. The only thing that he soon knew for certain, however, was the fact that the hammer did not come back.

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