Chapter Three

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Earth, New York City

         Artemis' mind was buzzing all the way to her apartment. Why did she have to do this? Why couldn't Thor have done it himself? He may be occupied with something else otherworldly, but for all that mattered, the nine realms were at peace. She placed her keys in the lock to open the door. And then it hit her.


Odin wanted her to distract Loki because she was a woman. Loki did not know who she was, much less Thor, even though she had heard of both of them and had known Odin and Heimdall for centuries. That's why he gave her the ring, she realized, because this task was more so related to a marriage proposal than a takeover of the Asgardian throne. She sighed.

"He knew I swore off marriage, now why is he doing this to me?" Artemis muttered to herself as she unlocked her door, waiting until sunset to drive off to Central Park to be transported to Asgard without much suspicion. Before she had to leave, she had to prepare a plan, and of course, she would eventually blend her plan with Heimdall's instructions.

    And so the wait began.

    However, before she could even sit down, she felt her body lifting. A bluish light surrounded her and in a split second, vanished with her as well. Perhaps her planned timing was not scheduled in Asgard.

She felt herself being carried through the air, colored light surrounding her on all sides as she was lifted. She felt her weight grow heavy and then light, altering as the air pressure on her in the Earth's atmosphere shifted into a new realm. After a few seconds, she finally felt her feet hit solid ground, and she stumbled a bit. However, after soon gaining her balance, she was able to comprehend exactly where she was.

      Welcome to Asgard," Heimdall greeted her as he placed his golden sword back into its holding place, closing the portal.

"Thank you, I am glad to be here," She looked around her. The circular ceiling above her danced with a golden light. She then fixed her gaze back on Heimdall. "You have instructions for me, yes?" Her ring glowed simultaneously.

"Ah, of course, Lady Artemis," Heimdall answered, noticing the ring. "The Allfather secured them with me before he...left." He stepped down the pedestal and stepped closer to her. "You must be extremely cautious."

"I know. Loki is extremely dangerous," She said.

Heimdall shook his head slightly. "Not only that." He turned his back to her, looking out onto the Bifrost. "Thor has returned. Loki has decided to disguise himself as Odin so as to attempt to fool his brother and still keep the throne."

"She sighed. "Of course he would do that."

"However," Heimdall turned back around, "I know of your plan."

She nodded. "I do indeed have an idea so as to how I will take back the throne."

"Your conflict lies within getting into the palace," Heimdall added.


"Fortunately enough, there is a celebration tonight in honor of Thor. If you are able, you could slip through the feast unnoticed and begin your actions from there. Take as much time as you need, my Lady." Heimdall paused. "You will be bestowing us a good favor."

"Thank you, Heimdall," She bowed. "May your ever-watchful eye never fail to see what is right."

Suddenly, the ring glowed again, and Artemis' Midgard clothing had completely disappeared, and in its place were elegant Asgardian robes that were red with a touch of silver armor as a breastplate.

"You have been blessed with the ring of Andvari," Heimdall stated. "The Allfather has gifted you with riches beyond compare."

Artemis smiled. "Indeed he has."

"May your journey be successful."

And with that being said, she was off. Artemis stood before the pulsing Bifrost, feeling the energy flowing through the channels in the bridge. She felt safe and secure because of the raw power that it contained and surrounded her with, and she was happy to have arrived. What she was not happy about was the confrontation that she needed to make with a man disguised as the Allfather himself. Not only that, but the Bifrost was quite lengthy. Nevertheless, she had to venture to the palace. She started to walk, but suddenly, the ring glowed again as if it were reading her mind, and a magnificent white horse appeared before her, clad in Asgardian armor. Artemis raised a brow and ran her hand down the horse's nose before mounting it and riding it the rest of the way down the Bifrost. Artemis rode with the wind and watched as the waters beneath her became a blur before she passed through the gigantic golden gates that led to the palace. When she passed through those gates, however, she did not realize a rogue Mjolnir flying towards her, which eventually completely knocked her off of the horse and onto the ground, unconscious.

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