Chapter Nine

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Golden rays of sunshine cascaded over the kingdom of Asgard as the sun began to descend over the realm. Within the Asgardian Palace, Loki was preparing himself for an evening meal with none other than Sif, who was only instructed to meet within the Great Hall at a certain time without knowing who she was to be dining with.

Loki felt as if he had important matters that needed to be discussed directly in her presence. He was quite open to preparing a table before his enemies, especially because he knew that he could bend them towards his own purposes. Tonight would be no different.

The halls were filled with an uneasy silence as Loki traipsed down the corridors towards the gigantic dining hall. He was indeed reluctant about this meeting, as Sif clearly favored the 'god of thunder' type. Not to mention that he had also betrayed his brother, as well as wreaked havoc upon Asgard more than once. She also thought him dead. Loki did not believe that Thor informed Sif of his existence yet.

She probably figured that it was Thor himself she was going to dine with.

When he strode into the door with a look of confidence upon his face, she was undoubtedly shocked. No words came out of her mouth, and she stood there at the opposite end of the table with body language that clearly screamed for her to brace herself.

"You are dead..." Sif muttered, clenching tightly to the handle of her blade at her left hip.

Loki smirked. "What? I believe I am standing here before you, in the very flesh... in case you have yet to notice."

"It is one of your many tricks," Sif defended, obviously terrified to take a step closer. Loki sensed this and started to step closer to her, placing more pressure on her fears. Sif did not move.

"Now, when would I ever..." Loki approached her, quieting his voice to a whisper. "When, Sif, would I ever play a measly trick on you?" He purred as he started to push her hair back, but she quickly grabbed his hand out of instinct, gripping it tightly. Loki let out a light laugh as he felt her grasp increase.

Sif felt the warmth of his hand. It must be true. "How.... how do you live?" She finally released his hand. Loki quickly withdrew his hand and caressed it with his other hand, hiding the small amount of pain he felt.

"Now, I believe that is something we must keep to our own thoughts, correct?" He walked around the edge of the table, his hands now folded neatly behind his back.

"But how-" Sif suddenly found an unknown finger pressed to her lips. Loki had cut her off.

"Shush." He then pulled out her chair for her at the end of the table. "Besides. We have a lot to discuss." Sif reluctantly sat down and watched as Loki beckoned the servants at the door to fetch their meals. "With I as king, I feel it is at an utmost importance that a ruler must find time to casually converse with his subjects."

Sif raised a brow, seeming to feel uneasy about Loki's statement. "I never thought I was such a lowly subject..."

"But you are not on the throne," Loki quickly retorted.

"But I am a warrior," Sif argued, becoming more tense. "Without my assistance, the citizens of Asgard would be no more!"

Careful not to cause her further anger and frustration with him, Loki obliged by calmly sitting back and nodding. He was cautious in selecting his battles. "I will argue no more at that."

"What must you call me here for?" Sif inquired, resting her arms on the surface of the large oaken dining table.

"As I have told you, we have imperative matters that must be discussed," Loki repeated. "A great change is coming. One that will be in your benefit, and that will also be beneficial to this realm as an entirety." As he said that, a few servants individually brought forth their meals, which was quite a rarity only found during certain occasions. Most of the time, the table was transformed into one that carried hundreds of lavish Asgardian dishes served at guests' leisure that they could feast for themselves. But for this occasion, however, Loki made it specifically known that he desired this to be private, and that only two dishes were to be prepared.

At each end of the table, both Lady Sif and Loki were served a dish that consisted of a leg of boar, various vegetables, and a braided strip of freshly baked bread. On the side, there was a miniature golden bowl filled with a sweet pudding. And of course, there was a hefty goblet of wine, made from a dark fruit found within the realm. By now, the sun had completely set below the horizon.

"What change must you propose? Is this realm already not changed enough?" Sif questioned as she examined her food. It looked absolutely delicious. As she looked up, she caught a glimpse of Loki staring at her, but he must have tried to conceal it because he directly averted his gaze, staring at her goblet instead. She cut a small bite of meat off of the boar and politely ate. While she would hungrily ravage the meal in her free time, she did not want to displease Loki, whose power was too great for a small offense.

Loki was intently watching as she ate her meal, not bothering to touch his. He seemed to be in somewhat of a trance, which was very unlike him. However, his detailed mind quickly snapped back into satisfying his intentions.
"I desire a queen."

Sif dropped her fork.

Loki smirked yet again, flashing his pristine teeth. "I knew you would perceive it that way."

She said nothing. Instead, she reached for her goblet. "You must have indulged far too much."

Loki narrowed his eyes, raising the corners of his mouth into a slight smile as he watched her take the goblet in her hands. "Oh, no, Lady Sif, for I have not. It's quite the opposite, actually. My sentimentalities are weakened by you, and I do not tolerate weakness." He picked up his goblet as well. "You will be my queen."

Sif had no room to protest.

Loki leaned forward. "Now, drink."

As if she were under some foreign incantation, Sif drank the wine. As a celebration of his achieved queen, Loki drank as well, feeling the smooth, dark wine drip down his throat as he sighed, expecting for Sif to fall dead from the poison he had silently slipped past the servants and into her drink.

However, something was off. Loki felt this immediately as it went down, and he felt something slowly start to attack him from the inside out. He started to tremble with accompanied chills as his breathing became heightened and then suddenly labored, his eyes growing wide as he soon found himself going into shock. His heartbeat grew rapid as he began to lose consciousness quickly, falling from the chair to the floor.

Surely she was given the right goblet, he thought. He never made an incorrect calculation. It was never possible.

Servants and guards rushed to his side, with Sif quietly relieved, although shocked that Loki suddenly lost consciousness. They quickly carried him out, his unresponsive form being helplessly carried out to the healing room yet again. Sif followed, curious as to what verdict Eir would announce.

     As they left, the room grew silent. There was no noise except for the sound of Thor and Artemis emerging from the perfected concealment of a tapestry that hung on the wall. It had worked. Loki was now weakened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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