Cold Stares and Promises - Chapter 8

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//AN: a really great cover of Jessie's Girl by Mary Lambert//

**Rigel's POV**

 I should be more comfortable with the thought of sex and nudity, but i'm really not. First, my father never gave me 'the talk' saying how I don't need it. Second, I haven't had a wolf to shift into for 10 years so I never go out with others in the pack when they be wolves. If I ever did see someone after they shifted, I would avert my eyes and turn away. Plus knowing that Eden's parents were having some ummm... fun times before we interrupted them, made me even more nervous. I know how much Alpha Adam hates his alone time with his mate being interrupted. I moved behind Eden as her dads came running down the stairs.

 I looked down with a blush spreading on my cheeks when her dad's came down the stairs. I was embarrassed that I was their daughter's mate. She deserved so much better than a weak male.

'If you don't shut up right now!' My wolf growled at me.

 'But it's true! You know it is. She would be so much better without me.' I argued back to him.

 'Don't ever doubt your love to your mate. You are exactly what she needs, and she is exactly what you need. Don't let your douchebag of a father tell you otherwise.' 

 I broke out of my mental argument with Ka when I felt Eden's hand leave my own. I watched with fascination as she growled low in her throat while staring at Alpha Adam. I know I missed something, I shouldn't have spaced out! Luna Steve quickly diffused the situation by grabbing his mates hand a dragged him into the living room. Eden grabbed my own hand and we followed her dads. Eden and I sat in the loveseat, while her dad's took the couch. They asked me some general questions about how I have been, but I was too nervous to offer anything but a shrug of the shoulders and a few mumbled words. Luna Steve suddenly jumped up and asked if I wanted to help him make dinner. Before I could answer, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

 "I saw you were panicking a little out there. Thought it would be easier for you to talk if it was one on one. Whatchya' think?" Luna asked me with a bright smile. I offered him a timid smile in return.

 "S-s-sure. What d-do you want t-t-to make f-for dinner-r?" I stuttered out. I mentally cringed to myself. I didn't want to seem weak in front of my Luna, but I am a miserable stuttering mess around new people. I know that they aren't new to me, but I haven't actually held a conversation with any of them for years. Come to think of it, I actually haven't held a conversation with anyone for years. To my surprise the Luna smiled at me.

 "I was thinking a broccoli and cheese soup with some grilled cheese sandwiches. I would prefer tomato, but Eden is deathly allergic to tomatoes." He said to me. I nodded in agreement and watched as he got all the supplies to make dinner. I quickly joined him at the counter, and started to chop up some broccoli.

 "So I remember seeing you in the school newspaper for leading the academics decathlon team to victory. How was it?" He asked me as an icebreaker. It was a really good ice breaker because I ended up telling him all about academic decathalon. Which progressed to me telling him all about my secret adoration for books. My father would abuse me even more if he found out that his useless son spent all his free time reading. My father didn't even know about me doing academic decathalon. 

About 45ish minutes later we left the sandwiches on the hot plate and left the soup to simmer. We had another 15 minutes for the soup to be ready before we could set the table and eat. When we walked out I saw Eden snuggled up to her dad watching a movie. I had to urge to growl, but I suppressed it and sat down on the opposite end of the couch from Eden and her dad. (They have like a stupidly large couch) I heard movement and suddenly Eden had pressed herself on me. I looked over and saw the Luna had taken Eden's place. So we all sat on the couch, watching a movie I didn't know, and waiting for dinner. It was the happiest I've ever been. 

 Of course the stupid doorbell had to mess up the perfect moment. Luna jumped up and ran to the door. 

 "That's probably Zachariah."  He said as he made his way to the foyer. I immediately tensed up and sat rampart straight. Eden looked at me confusedly when I moved to the loveseat, practically falling over the edge to be as far away from her as I could. The forgotten threat rang through my head. I shouldn't have gone to school today. I should've just skipped class, then skipped town since she would've found me if I stayed. However, it was too late to leave now. Eden knew who I was and I felt such deep emotions for her. My father and the Luna walked in and my father's smile faltered when he saw me.

 "What's Rigel doing here?" My father asked in a seemingly curious tone, but I knew that it meant I might not live tonight since I disobeyed his orders.

 "Isn't it wonderful, our kids are mates!" The Alpha exclaimed as he stood up and embraced his beta. Over the Alpha's shoulder, my father gave me his coldest glare. I shuddered and unconsciously moved closer to Eden. My father's eyes darkened, but he quickly masked his when he saw Eden looking at is quizzically. 

 "Yes the most wonderful of fates! Is this why I was invited to dinner today?" My father asked.

 "No, we just found out about it a few hours ago. We just wanted to have a pack business dinner with you. But now it's a business and celebration dinner!" Luna Steve shouted in excitement. My father just nodded and smiled at the Alpha and Luna while they walked to the dining room. Eden got up and grabbed my hand, hopefully sensing my discomfort, and pulled me with her to the dining room. 

 "Miss Eden, can I have a few private words with my son?" He said as we walked past him. Eden turned around and smiled while she released me hand. She turned back around and entered the dining room.

 "You disobeyed my orders you piece of shit. I don't think you'll be going to school tomorrow." My father said in my face lowly. He gave my arm and painful squeeze and made his way into the dining room. I stood in the living room for a minute collecting myself, then followed everyone else into the dining room. 

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