In the Begining

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Dawn Hallows was your everyday 14 year old girl. She went to school, she had a few friends, she attempted to get good grades, but her life was a curveball when she was about ten, and lost her foster parents to a car crash, where she was the only survivor. She was sent back to the orphanage for a new family to choose her, and then throw her away like she was some freak, all because of a little magic.

That's right, you heard me, magic. It wasn't something she acquired from a nuclear explosion, or extra-terrestrial beings sucking her into a void and experimenting on her until her body could be the host of magic. No, she was born with it. It may seem exciting, but it was terrifying for a fourteen year old who had no idea how to control it, nearly killing anyone she held dear. She wanted to run away, but every time she felt like she was somewhere safe, away from human civilization, things happened, and she ended up back in the orphanage. That was, until, she ended up in the center of the attack on New York, when Loki arrived. She was one of the ones in the abandoned building that they blew up, but because it was known to harbor no one, it wasn't checked to save time for other pedestrians. She survived of course, when the police were doing damage control they found her unharmed body under a huge layer of rocks, protected by a shimmering force field of amethyst. The police immediately called SHIELD, so that they were alerted that there was another magical being residing in New York. After many avoided interrogations with SHIELD, she decided to squat in different buildings so that she was less easy to track.

To survive in the streets of New York as a homeless, you need to do things you wouldn't regularly do to people. Steal, beat, and sometimes even kill. However Dawn was too scared to get to that point. But SHIELD was fed up with all the attacks and not being able to track them, so he sent some of his best agents to the crime scene. The weapon of the attacker was a double etched blade, determined by the marks in the victim. They spent days and nights searching for the attacker, but finding it useless, they left everything useful there, implemented as a trap for the attacker. Dawn knew what she had to do, she had to get her knife back and so, she pulled her cloak up, and ran towards the scene. She didn't have much chance in the fighting portion, because it was one against five, with backup, but using her magic was the one thing she learnt how to control a bit more. She picked up her knife as she was 'ambushed' by all sides. The cloak hid her face, and she squatted to the ground, as if in defeat. "Drop your weapon! You're under arrest for the murder of Alan Turner!" A strong, female voice shouted. Dawn stood and analyzed everyone carefully, weapon still in hand. She controlled what little magic she could, and created a sort of purple smoke bomb that caused confusion and disorientation. She ran into the trees and towards a building, but someone dropped from behind her. She turned around to see the asguardian, Thor. "Drop your weapon ma'am. I do not wish to hurt you, but if you do no cooperate, I will be forced to" his words were threat enough, but Dawn continued to back up, backing right up into a shield, her hand reached behind her and felt the smoothness of the shield "Vibranium...." her eyes were wide as she quickly realized, they brought the entire party to town.

She moved towards the center before Captain America could grab her, shifting her weight side to side, trying to find the best method of escape. "PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON" Captain screamed, taking a menacing step closer. She felt trapped as her heart skipped a few beats, running a marathon on its own terms. She knew she couldn't out run them, but she tried. She spread her amethyst mist, covering almost all of them, and then running in a different direction. She heard the gun shot, but didn't register that it was towards her until she felt it pierce her collarbone. She choked on the momentum of the blast, stumbling forward and landing in a tree. The amethyst mist resided and she sat against the tree, seemingly unable to move. Black widow approached her cautiously, and went to kick her sword out of her hands. In a last attempt at putting up a fight, she dropped her sword and grabbed her ankle, twisting her awkwardly, trying to throw her away, which she successfully managed to do. She was losing too much blood, her being a heavy bleeder, made her paler then some. She sat, her eyelids betraying her as she started to black out. She felt strong hands cuff her wrists, those of Captain America, and then he hoisted her over his shoulder. She cried out on impulse of pain, and Captain America pulled her closer, almost in a reassuring way. The conversations that where passing, she understood little to none of the conversation She caught the odd sentence "We have her Fury" and "Romanoff, are you alright?"

When Dawn woke up next, she was hand cuffed to a bed, her collarbone having been fixed up while she was under. Her heart picked up as she tried to understand where she was, and what had happened to make them want to get her. "Romanoff.......Thor....Captain America....HOLY SHIT" she sat up fast, her shoulder screaming in pain and refusal. She gasped "shit, no.... this can't be happening, not" She laid back down in her bed, her breath still hard and fast from the realization she was trapped in SHIELD, no escape route. She waited for someone to come in, knowing that they had a camera in the corner of the room, watching her every move. Black widow walked in, sporting an ankle brace and a scowl. "Glad to see you're awake, now, can you tell me where you are? Surely you'd know, you've been scoping out the building, planning an attack for months." She indicates to the flashdrive in her hand, a small smirk playing on her face. Her face fell, as much as she wanted to attack this building, to get the weapons, she couldn't, and she wasn't strong enough. "I know you think those are mine, but I took it off of the last guy I attacked, along with the symbol of hydra that branded him on his jacket." She mumbled silently, looking at the wall. Her eyes held pain as she forced herself to look back up at Natasha Romanoff. Natasha nodded to the camera, and brought a blood drawing kit. "We need to take a sample of your blood, to see what properties it holds and maybe, give you an identity." Natasha prepped the needle, and poked around to find a vein. "My name is Dawn, Dawn Hallows. It's the name I gave myself when I ran away" Tears fled from her eyes, the one thing that could terrify her, a needle. Nat nodded to the camera in the corner, and drew the blood quickly, leaving to analyze it. She looked around the room but it was hopeless, she wasn't going to be getting out of this place anytime soon. So she decided to sleep to ease off the edge, to kill time.

By the time she next woke, there was a nurse consulting a doctor quietly, while holding a puree of different fruits, probably not trusting me enough to give her utensils to eat a meal. She noticed the pattern of Dawns breathing had changed, and shooed the doctor out. "It's a fruit smoothie with protein powder, so that you can get your strength back. Miss Romanoff will be back soon to discuss with you further about your stay." She put the straw in her mouth, and Dawns stomach betrayed her by growling. She drank fast, to get it over with, and laid back once more. The lady nodded to the camera and made her exit, perfect, she thought, I'm on villain watch. Natasha came back in "So I am certain you know some of the things you have been charged with, abuse and violence, theft, and so forth. Director Fury would like to offer you two choices, the first choice, to get turned into the police, go to juvenile detention, then get sent back to the orphanage, or, stay here, work with us, to have your slate wiped clean." She leaned against the wall, waiting for Dawns answer. "I don't know.... All my life I have been running from here because I didn't want to get caught, pretty stupid of me to join, don't you think?" She tugged against the tightly bound handcuff "But you work to help New York, you've killed hydra agents, but never any innocent. You're in a bad spot, and you're only 14 by the looks of it.." her facial features softened, as she undid the hand bindings so that Dawn could sit up. When she did, her collarbone screamed in protest and she gasped in pain and shock, black spots threatening her vision. Natasha was at her sides in seconds, easing her back into the now propped up bed. "Easy, bullet wounds don't heal overnight" She took off the dressing and redressed it, giving me time to digest what she had said. "I need to decide for myself, I'll come to you in the morning" and with that Natasha left, and all she could think was:

Clean slate, fresh start, new life, new me.

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