The next time they lie.

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It had been a calm and quiet morning around shield, which was out of the normal. Usually it was agents running around, speed talking into their com. This morning it seemed like just a leisurely stroll. I keep on telling myself that this can't be right, and that im still dreaming. But nothing changed, I look down at my almost completely healed arms. "What the hell" even if shield did give me a certain medication to speed up my healing process, it should not, have healed that fast. It's almost physically impossible! Even with those meds. "Natasha!" I call, but receive no reply. "Tash!" I call out, louder. Still no answer. "Thor? Clint? Steve? Tony?!" I call out their names, one by one. Trying to see if their around. But their not. No answer. Not even one agent has cast a glance at me. That's how I knew something was wrong.

I feel air blow past me, as if someone had just, appeared there. I turn my head slowly. Afraid of who or what I am about to encounter. It was the guy with black hair and green eyes Thor was talking about. How, how did he even get in my room. "Stupid avengers. Leaving this room with no defence mechanisms against my power" he smirks. "Ah, my dear. Oh what a pleasure to meet you in person instead of just a silly dream." He looks down at me. "Um, who are you. And what dream are you talking about. I don't know what your talking about" I tried to play it off as if I don't remember the dream. "Ah my dear, you are not fooling me. You recognize me fully well." He has that evil smirk that makes me sick. "I. Am Loki, of asgardian blood. And you may be...?" He usheres me to give him my name. I look at him. As if he was insane. Which no doubt, he probably is. "Dawn Hallows..." I cast another glance out the door, only to realize that there are no agents whatsoever. Anywhere. "Fury?!?!" I call. Ignoring Loki's menacing glance. "Shut up you insolent girl. Things for you will be getting very difficult very soon. I assure you if you join me, you shall be on the winning side" I look up at him. Curiously "winning side of what.....?" As soon as I say that. He start to fade out. And I am left with the avengers shouting my name and shaking me.

"Dawn, dawn! What where you seeing?!" Nat was nearly shouting at this point. I looked at her, slightly started. "What are you talking about nat?" I blink. Slightly confused. "You where shouting our names, and talking too no one." She looked very concerned. "I, there was someone here. And he was talking to me. Warning me." Thor stepped in on our conversation. "Dawn, what else happened. Every. Small detail can help. What was this Man warning you about" I looked at Thor. As if to say that I want to talk to you alone. But it was clear that none of the others were leaving any time soon. "He said things would get difficult, he said if I join him. I will be on the winning side." Thor's eyes grow wider. As he says something inaudible. But I'm certain that he knows something about what is going on. "Dawn, perhaps you are just imagining things, it's possible that the medication is upsetting the balance in your brain. Perhaps you should just take sometime and rest" Thor ushered the others out. Before looking back towards me grimly. I had a feeling that this will get a lot worst....

Raised by the avengers (UNDER REWRITE!!!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora