the odd events

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in my dream~~ i was sitting on a building, my legs swinging back and forth. i heard the footsteps approaching me, but i didn't care. probably to just tell me that this is just dangerous. "you know, for a midguardien, your bold. non of the midguardiens i know would ever do that." my legs stopped moving. the faint british accent, the term 'midguardien' it was either thor, or loki. but i did not dare check. "well, i geuss i am brave, if you count standing up for whats right, and punching my principal in the gut" he chuckled softly and sat down next to me. i couldn't fight the urge, i looked up and say the jet black hair and emeraled green eyes. "well, i must be off, my mother and my father are waiting for me down there." i said, and then, i jumped. just before i hit the ground...

i woke up, screaming and sweating, tied up to a machine that wont stop beeping. my breathing was rough, and jagged. I heard 6 pairs of rushed footsteps, coming towards my room. The door flies in, and of course, my family is looking around, as if theres a threat in the room. my voice, hoarse as ever, "sorry, nightmare." they all look over at me. Super worried. Tasha comes and sits next to me. Holding me. "Shhh. Its okay. What was the dream about?". I didnt want to awnser that. Not at all. So i went silent. She immediately knew something in my dream had something to do with the avengers and she looks over to them. Pondering. "Dawn Hallows. You will tell me right now what happened in the dream, or I will take away your tickets to black veil bride." I fake gasp, holding my chest. "You wouldn't dare!!" She rolls her eyes. "Just tell us about the dream" I look at her. "I was on the roof, and this guy showed up. H just chatted. But he radiated power. So I jumped. And woke up." Lies partially. She nods, thinking I'm telling the truth. I sigh. "Y-y-you can go now, I'm fine." She nods. And leaves. But one particular god of thunder stays. "Dawn, this is crucial information. I swear to keep my oath to not tell the avenger unless you give me permission. Did. You. See. A man. With black hair. And green eyes." He had such a serious tone, it was almost, scary. "Y-y-yes" stuttering didnt help the look he was giving me. "Dawn, you cannot go up to the roof. Not without one of the others. Never. You must. Promise me." "I promise" I didn't realize what was going on, or even how much danger I was actually in. But it sure seemed like Thor did. "Thor, what's going on..." Me, being my curious self asked. "Dawn, there is much you should and should not know at this point in time. But I promise you, you will have your answers soon enough child. Now sleep, I shall be here when you awake." He smiled, warmly. He grabbed my hand, and I almost fell asleep just from the comfort of his huge hands. I smiled weakly, before falling into a deep and comfortable sleep.

I woke up later on, feeling better after not having another of those odd dreams. I look and see Thor, smiling at me. "Good morning Dawn, and how are you feeling this fine morning?" "I'm feeling okay, actually I'm feeling better". I smiled weakly. "I assume so, given that shield had given you a healing type medication to speed up the process." Now it makes sense why I feel okay. "Thor, when will I be able to start training, and school again?" He looks like he's thinking. "Probably in a day or so child," I grin. Finally feeling like things are coming together again. Natasha comes in. Holding a tray, with a glass of water, some toast, and some fruit. Not much of each. But all together it makes a pretty big breakfast for a girl who doesn't eat much. Nat put it infront of me. Smiling slightly. "Hey kid, you know we are sorry. We all are." "Yeah tash. I know you are. And that's okay. Your forgiven. IF and only IF you le me start training again. Tomorrow." I smirk. Knowing she will hate me. She knows that I love training, and hate missing it. "Fine. But only if you go easy on yourself" I heard her under her breath "god knows you don't do that often" I send her a goofy grin before begining to eat.

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