Getting to know 1D

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Hello everyone! This is my first story here in wattpad! I hope ya'll like it!! I worked so hard for this and I hope that you will show me your love by commenting and voting!! If you wanna be a fan, thank you so much! You can follow me on twitter, and if you have questions, feel free to comment! once again, thanks! :D Enjoy!


“Katharina!! For the last time, if you don’t get out of bed, I’m gonna leave you here,” I said frustrated, while eating the toast I had made for breakfast.

“Okay, okay. I’m up now, see?” she said sleepily while lifting the blanket off her head.

“Good, now we, I mean you only have 15 minutes to get prepared, school starts in about 30 minutes,” I said dragging her leg off the bed.

“Oh My God! Really? Why hadn’t you woke me up earlier?” she said scrambling to her feet.

“Duh Kath! I tried to wake you up for the past 20 minutes already!” I replied tiredly. “Now get to the shower unless that 15 minutes of yours will be just 10”

“Yeah right” she replied sarcastically

“I’m serious Kath”

“Okay, okay, I’m going!”

She grabbed her school uniform from the closet, then hurriedly went to the bathroom.

Great, now I have to spend the next 10 minutes sitting here. Well, might as well introduce myself. First, I am Sharon Davis, I am 17 years old and I’m living an extremely huge flat (explain later) with my best friend Katharina Willows. We aren’t originally from here, by here I mean London. I lived my whole life in the U.S. until my parents sent me here to school. My parents didn’t really like me. I bet that it was their greatest dream to get rid of me. So, until I finish school, I have to find somewhere to live and somewhere to work, because my parents said that they don’t wanna have anything to do with my life. Well, I don’t like them either, so the feelings are mutual. I have a long, kinda straight brunette hair which reaches my waist. I have brown eyes and well, a white complexion. I am 5’7 and I have long lashes and I have a dimple on the left side of my cheek. Now, my friend Katharina, wait, let me scratch that, my best friend ever, Katharina Willows, is like the most beautiful girl I have seen. Well, she also have that brunette hair, but it’s kind of wavy, and like me, she also  have that brown eyes and that dimple, but she has it on the right side of her cheek. Most people think we are twins, but I don’t quite see why. Maybe because we practically go everywhere with each other, or some other reasons that I’m not aware of. Well, her parents died in a plane crash when she was only 3, so she didn’t quite have a memory of them. Kath and I have the same likeness, mostly.  We both love eating and reading books, we both have the same taste of music, and we both have that one direction infection. Yup, we love 1D, and we both wish to go to their concert, because if you didn’t know, in which I’m sure you haven’t, because I haven’t told you yet, we have never, ever been to a one direction concert. As much as we love them, we never had like enough money to buy a ticket; because you see, the school provides us with our needs but not with our wants. Of course, they would give us allowance, but how about our food, clothes and stuff? Yeah, we are that hard up. But, I love my teachers, especially our principal. She is like the best principal ever! She is very nice and caring, and her name is Mrs. Danielle Summer. And, yep, she is as lovely as her name. And because of her, we are living in our very own flat (which I told you already earlier) There are 3 rooms, a flat screen TV an our own fridge, and everything else that you can see in a normal house, except ours is a lot cooler, because of the fact that only Kath and I are able to use it. Because according to Mrs. Summer, and I quote, “You girls must have a really hard time growing up, and it’s not fair for you to have no parents that is there to support you, so this is the least that I can do.” See, I told you she was amazing.

“Shawii, I’m ready let’s go!”

My thoughts snap back to reality as I heard Kath.

“Alright! I can’t wait to get to school,” I cheered sarcastically.

Kath rolled her eyes, and grabbed a muffin from the fridge and began chewing it while she said something. To me, it just sounded like “mfgmdljmdhdmbxhs,” so…

“Kath, how many times must I tell you that you mustn’t talk when your mouth is full? As much as it is disgusting, no one can understand you!” I said in a disgusted tone.

“Sorry, I was just trying to say that next week, we’ll have no classes! How great is that?” She said, no, I meant screamed.

“Really?” I asked, suddenly interested.

“Yep, all the teachers are gonna have a teachers meeting for 2 days, and the principal said that maybe all the students might want a vacation!”

“Wow! I really owe Mrs. Summer big time!” I said, happily

“Yes! I guess we all do!”

“Now, let’s get to class if we don’t wanna be late”


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