Chapter 2: Friendship?

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. But, I didn't have an alarm.

"Wee Woo Wee Woo Wee Woo!" Dede was screaming in my ear.

"Ack!" I fell out of my bed with a bang, and slowly got up off the carpet floor.

"School's in an hour!" Dede smiled, and I sighed.

I changed into a green dress, and put my Mom's sweater on. It was warm, and made me feel nice. I took it off and put a different white sweater on. I didn't want Jessica or Parker to ruin it.

I put on my boots and headband, and grabbed an apple. Before I could take a bite, Dede took the apple from me.

"I bought lots of fruit for you! Make a smoothie or something!" she looked mad.

I took the berries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and put them in a blender. With a little help from Dede, I made a berry smoothie. The consistency of it was strange, but it tasted sweet.

"Let's walk to school today!" The ghost girl said.

"So that's why you woke me up 45 minutes earlier then I usually wake up," I growled.

So, we walked to school. The good thing was that I didn't have to see the Tony's stupid faces. The bad thing was I was full of anxiety the whole walk. I hated talking to people I didn't have to talk to. Transfer kids always transferred for a reason. They were either bullied, so they moved, or they were a bully, and they got kicked out of the school.

As I got to school, I noticed the two kids were both of those.

One of the kids had tan skin, brown curly hair, and brown eyes. He had a pair of black glasses. He had a plain blue shirt and jean shorts with blue sneakers. He looked like someone who'd be bullied, maybe. I wasn't good at guessing things like that.

The other kid had green hair, pale skin, and a blue eye. His right eye, or my left, had a white eyepatch. He was wearing a black leather jacket, and ripped up jeans with black boots similar to mine. He definitely looked like a bully.

They were both glaring at each other, and Dede was glaring at the green-haired boy. They both were around my height, somewhere around 5 feet.

"Ah, Ms. Rai, can you be the tour guide of these to gentleman?" My principal, Mr. Tony, asked. No, he wasn't Jessica and Parker's dad. He was their uncle.

"Sure!" I smiled. Anything to get out of science. We were doing dissection today, and I wanted no part in it.

I walked over to the two boys and put on my biggest fake smile. "Hello! I'm Rai, I'll be your tour guide of sorts today.

"I thought this school was full of tall athletic people," The emo rasped out.

"Well, I didn't choose to go here. Anyway, you are both the same as me. Tiny sticks," I looked at them with a light frown.

"Haha! So true!" The brown-haired kid smiled. "I'm Matt Broc! Nice to meet you!"

"And I'm Jack."

"Just Jack?" I questioned him.

"I hate my last name, so I choose not to tell anyone."

I sighed and showed them around the school. Matt wanted to know literally everything about each room, while Jack didn't even want to be here. I couldn't blame him.

The last place was the roof.

"Ah, it feels so nice up!" Matt stretched out his arms.

"And how many people jumped off this roof?" Jack asked like that was a normal question.

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