Chapter 5: Investigating

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Turns out, nobody wanted to be a new principle. So, no school. I would celebrate, but with two people dead, it was hard to even smile.

I was sitting on my tan couch when I got a buzz from my flip phone. It was from...Jack? I had never given him my information, and I doubt Matt would tell him. So, how?

'Hey, Peachy. It's Jack. Meet me at the school gates. <3.'

I sighed, the text would have been fine if he didn't add the <3.

'Sure, whatever. Is it just us?'

I waited a few minutes for a response.

'Yeah, why? Do you want to be alone? ;)'

I deleted his contact from my phone and headed out.

"Why are you even going?" Dede sat on my head.

"Aren't you curious? It's Jack. He definitely has something important to say, and I want to know. Besides, it's probably about my mom," I said as I stepped into the cold, November air.

I walked to the school's gate, and there was Jack. He had a brown paper bag in his hand. As I walked up to him, he handed it to me. Curious, I opened it. Inside, a maple donut and a pack of wine biscuit sat. I took out a wine biscuit and, with a smile, and bit into the crunchy cookie.

"Heh, glad you like it. Now, come with me," Jack grinned, and headed back into the woods. With a sigh, I followed him in.

We walked around an hour, which felt like 10 days. We didn't talk. The only sounds we made were deep breaths and crunches from our biscuits.

Finally, we reached the destination. It was Garden City, an area I had not been in since I was a child. I remember going here with my mom, and always going to Newport Creamery after our walk. I always ordered the crunchy grilled cheese and a coffee Awful Awful. The memory was nice, but it didn't last very long.

Jack took my hand, and we walked into one of the stores. I knew where we were when I took a deep breath and got a whiff of many different candles. Yankee Candle.

"Wait, why are we in here?" I looked at Jack.

"Why not?" he smiled.

"You said we were going to find out about my mom," I growled.

"I did say that. I never said we wouldn't hang out together first, however."

I sighed. I guess while I was here, I could have some fun. Even if it was Jack.

"Hehe, look at this candle," Jack pointed to a candle called 'Candy Cane Lane'.

I picked it up and smelled it. It was a strong scent of mint.

"It doesn't smell bad, at least. Hey, look at that one!" I pointed to one called 'Cherries On Snow'.

"'All Is Bright', 'White Christmas', 'Christmas Cookie', they're all so random," Jack looked at all the Christmas scents until he found one that made him stop.

"'Sparkling Cinnamon'?"

I came over and picked up the candle, and brought it to my nose. A smell of delicious cinnamon filled my nostrils.

"I need this candle," my eyes sparkled.

"Sure," Jack took the candle from me and went up to pay for it. He came back with the boughten object.

"You didn't need to that," I took the bag from him.

"No problem, want lunch?"

"Newport Creamery!" I smiled, and he laughed.

We walked over to Newport Creamery, which was in the next building.

We sat down and ordered our food. I decided to get my childhood norm, but a medium Awful Awful instead of a small. Jack decided to order the same but bought a mint of instead.

"I've never actually been here before," Jack smiled as he looked out our delicious food.

"I haven't been here since I was ten, so we are basically on the same level."

I sunk my teeth into the crunchy, cheesy sandwich. It was awesome. Mozzarella sticks inside a grilled cheese. Only a genius could think of that.

We finished our meals and took a nice walk around the shopping district.

"Do you hate me less now?" Jack smiled.

"Sure, as long as you tell me about my mom," I smiled back.

I was becoming friends with Jack. I couldn't believe my own thoughts.

"Ok, follow me," Jack turned towards the exit of Garden City, and I followed.

We walked through bush after bush and made it back to the cabins. I frowned at the sight of them. This is what caused my hate for Jack. I didn't want to be reminded of this, and definitely not right after having such a fun day with him.

"This way," he said.

He led me to a pile of leaves. I tilted my head with confusion. He smiled at me and lifted the leaves. They blew away with the wind. I looked down at what used to be a pile of leaves and gasped. A dirty white bunny wearing a purple jacket and black glasses was there.

"Danny?" I picked up the doll. Daniel was a doll my mom gave me when I was a baby. It was hers when she was young, and wanted me to have it. I called him Danny, and he went with me everywhere. However, I had lost it when we went to Maine on a camping trip. I never saw him again.

"I found it while walking around this area. I wanted to show you in the other day when we first came here, but you ran away before I could.

I hugged the bunny doll, a smile growing on my face. I had another memory of mom, I thought.

Jack put his hand on my head. "Ready to go home?"

"Yes," I smiled. "Yes, I am."

We walked all the way home, but not before a stop at Garden City again. We got some frozen yogurt for the walk.

The walk was longer this time, for I talked with Jack the whole way to my house. We reached my door, and Jack gave me his untouched frozen treat.

"I hate yogurt. Knock yourself out," He smiled and waved, leaving me with a bunny doll and two cups of frozen yogurt. Today was a good day.

Well, almost. It was quickly ruined by someone whose name starts with D and ends with E.

"Rai, what are you doing!" Dede yelled at me.

"Huh?" I looked at Dede.

"Jack is a murderer! You shouldn't be hanging out with him!"


"Are you an idiot!? Jack killed Jessica and Parker! I saw him!" 

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