( an upset best friend )

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Tears roll down my cheeks as I scroll through Jack's Instagram feed. Comments read "You and Ellie are so cute. Don't listen to the haters."

Who's this Ellie girl? Why is she dating my best friend? And why didn't Jack tell me about her?

My heart breaks in half as I read the comments that Jack was commenting on her posts. I like Jack. Yes, of course I do. I've always liked him, but he kept this secret from me that he's supposedly with some girl that I never knew about until today.

I'm so angered right now. If anything, I thought he liked Finn but I guess not. I would've been fine if it were Finn that he was dating right now, but this Ellie girl? No.

Anger rages through me as I send a text to Finn. I need somebody to talk to right now.

me- hey..
finn- hey, what's up?
me- did you hear the news?
finn- what news?
me- the news about jack and ellie.
finn- yeah... i'm sorry, y/n.
me- who the hell is she?
finn- i don't know..
me- should i talk to him about it?
finn- i think so.
me- okay. thanks, finn.
finn- no problem, y/n.

I put down my phone and decide to walk over to Jack's house. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. How dare he keep this huge secret from me?

I get to his front steps and I knock vigorously on his door. He answers.

"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" He asks. I push past him and walk into his house angrily. "How dare you not tell me about your new 'girlfriend!'" I cross my arms. "What new girlfriend?" He looks at me oddly. "That Ellie girl!" I shout. "I'm not dating her, Y/N. It's just a rumor." He rolls his eyes.

"Then why are you commenting stuff on her posts about how beautiful she is?" I question. "I'm not, Y/N. I'm hacked. Didn't you see my post on my spam account from twelve minutes ago?" He chuckles. The anger starts to float away. "What the hell! I got mad for no reason." I start laughing. "It's so cute how much you care about me dating other girls." He smirks. "Of course I care." I bring him into a tight hug. "I love you, Fred Savage." I smile. "I love you too, Jelly Bean."

author's note

annnnnnnnnd cut!

i know that i haven't posted in forever! i apologize but i've been busy with my own life. please enjoy this chapter. i wrote this in school because i had a free period. you're welcome and i'll try to write another chapter later. bye!


Jack Grazer Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt