-chapter 1-

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Nagisa P.O.V

I awoke to a sudden scream down the street, and the sirens of my fellow comrades not far from my apartment. I jumped out of bed to stumble and fall over my own feet. I rushed to my wardrobe to put on my work clothes but as I left a red rose was on my door step like usual. What I really mean by usual is every time there's a murder by 'the doll maker' a red rose appears on my door step. Yep its just another usual day for an ace detective such as myself. I sprinted down the cold stone brick stairs like any other day. I ran down to the place where I could see all the sirens lights and had also heard the scream.

A body was dangling with its intestines wrapped around the main branches. The tendons had been ripped out and tied around branches and had tags that had written in ittalics "pull me". The eyes had obviously been gouged out and replaced with vermillion red glass eyes. There were byzantine markings painted onto their tan skin that also had burn marks littered across the naked torso.

There was a red adidaz  (no copyright lmao) jacket tied to the tree next to her with a note and a pair of crystal eyeballs, presumably their real eyes.

I tenderly picked the paper up and began to read the cursive handwriting aloud:
"Hello my beloved detective,
As you can see you're too late again, darling~
Better luck next time, if you want a hint though the next murder will be in two days. Oh, someone screamed, I guess the police are going to be alerted soon so I gotta dash Nagi-chan".


The nickname left a foul taste in my mouth, two days... I guess I should get people patrolling...

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