-chapter 2-

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(A/N:JesusMyLifeIsSad and I were meant to publish this yesterday but we fell asleep oops.)

Nagisa POV

I walked home, silently  thinking about what the note had said: "Two days" i muttered to myself, "two days to figure out his next plan of attack."
My thoughts kept constantly replaying in my head like a video tape and the sound of dripping blood resounded in my ears.

Who would he go for? Male? Female? Will they be foreign? They normally are but what if he changes to trick me? Do I know them or are they a complete stranger? My head was ringing with all the possiblities, all the chances but I just couldn't see what would happen in the future.

Ace detective huh? Not really an ace if I cant get ahead of this damn serial killer's pattern; he knows he's getting to me - he's probably laughing at me now.
Or maybe he is watching me right now, the thought made me sick that  i might be playing right into the doll maker's bloody hands. But why, why would he risk getting caughted and potentially killed at deathrow to get my attention?

Did he..like the attention? Does he really enjoy this sick game? How sadistic can someone be.. Does he like the thrill of gambling with his life or is he just extremely cocky?
or does he simply love me just like they say in the letter they left for me. No one else just me.

Love. Haha, either way I'm dating Kayano so even if that was the case, which it obviously isnt, he's a god damn serial killer why would he care about me? But...what if he does? The thought that my dear Kayano could be dead in 2 days crossed my mind making me panic; if he really did love me he would obviously go after the competition - what difference would it make to him? It would just be another corpse as far as he's concerned.

I had two choices. Hunt The Doll Maker down with next to no traces of evidence to identify him or spend the two days pampering Kayano and staying with her to try and protect her. Surely he couldn't strike if i was there?

I got home and I was drained as I fell asleep my mind fell into a trance and I was in an infinite void of anxiety.

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