-Chapter 3-

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Karma P.O.V

It was probably around 02:00 AM. I snuck through the park at the bottom of the road that that led to Nagi-Chan owned. Being careful not to get caught as I knew I was going to get questioned and searched. I walked past the slide. A cat sat on top of the bins jumped of the bins producing a loud crash sound, as a lot of rubbish fell and clattered to the floor I jumped and ran for it. I scattered through the park and found an alley-way. I sought refuge away from the police. The alley-way went straight to the back of Nagi-Chan's accommodation.

I clambered over the fence. It was only about a four feet tall so it was quite easy. I jumped over and soon realised my mistake... There were four cameras covering each corner of the garden and its intricate layout. The grass was black as all that illuminated the alley behind the fence was a dim amber glow of light from a street lamp. As I stumbled around the garden making it very obvious of my presence. I paused waiting for someone to spot me, but to my surprise no one did.

The eerie silence of the house creeped me out. I walked towards Nagi-Chan's back door and tried to enter. But the door was locked so I had to lock-pick the lock. "Click", the doors lock suddenlyclicked  and the door swung open. I strolled into Nagi-Chan's living room sitting on the black lavish leather sofa. As I sat down I heard the stairs creaking. It was Kayano... She walked into the kitchen, and came back out with a glass filled with what looked like water. She Looked around and walked back up the stairs. I heard the landing upstairs creak and i came out of my hiding spot under the coffee table. The coffee table had a cyan cloth draped over it.

I waited half an hour to make sure Kayano was fully asleep again. I silently crept up the stairs like a shadow. I walked around the landing finding out which room was Nagi-Chan's and Kayano's bedroom. I walked past a computer room, a bathroom and finally Nagi-Chan's and Kayano's bedroom. My feet glided across the floor soundlessly. The next thing I knew, I was in Nagi-Chan's and Kayano's bedroom. I yanked a small steel dagger from my back jean pocket and slid over to Kayano's side of the bed...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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