Embry's Kiss

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It has been a few months since Alec first kissed me and that Embry found out. But other than that, I've been a little worried at how the Volturi are handling things without Alec there to help them.Until Alec told me otherwise 'Emma, don't worry about them, they still have Jane it's okay' Alec told me and I smiled, he kissed me again, and as always, I responded to him.

Then I pulled away because I had ran out of breath, Alec smiled 'It's okay, you'll probably have to get used to it though' I told him making him smile happily. Suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up 'Hello' I said and the person on the other line sighed 'Emma, I was wondering if you'd wanna spend the day with me at first beach?' Embry asked me nicely and I smiled widely.

'Sure okay, sounds great' I answered him and he possibly smiled that I accepted his offer 'Cool, I'll pick you up in the Rabbit, be there soonish' Embry told me and I hung up on him, then turned to Alec who had a confused look on his face. 'What are you doing today Emma?' Alec asked me and I sat on top of him happily.

'I'm just gonna spend the day with Embry, that's all' I admitted but Alec didn't like the idea that I was gonna be with my best friend and not with him 'Don't worry, I'll be fine, Emb won't hurt me in anyway possible' I told him and he nodded, making me kiss him lovingly and adoringly but not as much as he adores me.

Embry kept his promise and picked me up in the Rabbit. We finally got to La Push beach and I smelled the ocean air 'It's so awesome to be back on the beach!' I announced while Embry was walking beside me as I was enjoying my time being here at the beach with him and being alone with one another.

'What's been up with you lately?' I asked my best friend while nudging him and he sighed he didn't hear me 'Embry' I asked and he heard me then 'Sorry, what Emma' he asked me and I smiled 'What's been happening with you? Ever since Alec and I kissed each other for the first time, you haven't bee yourself What's up?' I asked him again and he looked into the water by his feet.

'It's uh, complicated' he told me and I wanted to know a little bit more out of him. 'There's something else in your eyes mister, spill it!' I commanded him then he sighed loudly, 'I just have a wrong feeling about you, and one of the most powerful Vamps in history thats all' Embry admitted his feelings finally, I just merely smiled at him.

'Are you afraid of Alec's gift? That he can make you helpless like that?' I asked him teasingly, he smiled then laughed a bit 'No, but are you afraid to be alone with him and his crazy/cool gift?' Embry asked me and I shrugged 'No, not anymore, now that we know a little more about one another and we're not completely clueless about each other' I admitted and Embry laughed.

'Really, you don't really know each other though' Embry told me and he wasn't making any sense 'What do you mean Emb? Of course we know one another, that's basically all we ever talk about, is what the other person likes' I admitted to him and he just sighed 'Emma, he's only known for you for what three months? I've known for you your whole life!' Embry told me and it wasn't enough, he didn't Imprint on me.

'So, just because you like me, your feelings aren't enough to make you Imprint on me Embry, they're just mutual' I reminded him making him a little bit upset 'Emma, you don't have to keep on hiding your return feelings for me, I love you and you love me, theres nothing wrong with that!' Embry told me what I didn't wanna hear.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I do not love you!, I only like you and love you as a brother nothing more!' I told him but he wouldn't have it 'Emma, I know everything there is to know about you, what does that leach know? Absoutly squat!' Embry admitted to me and I sighed 'Okay then, if you really know everything about me, then why can't you see that I'm perfectly happy and in love with Alec?!' I asked him yelling and he scoffed a laugh.

'No you're not, you're just saying that so he won't kill you' Embry accused again and it was really starting to piss me off. 'Embry, you don't know squat, I do love Alec, nothing you say or can do will make me change the way how I feel about him!' I told him and he still was trying to win my heart 'Emma Lillian, please I'll do anything you want and give you everything that you need, just please don't' Embry begged me and I shook my head.

'I'm terribly sorry Embry but' I was cut off by his forceful kiss. Embry let go of my arms as he was holding them down, and they automatically went to his short black hair, and they started to play with his hair, I felt absoutly disgusted with myself that I was betraying Alec, and I was betraying him.

To keep myself from betraying Alec any longer, I shoved Embry away from my lips. 'Are you done?' I asked him and he nodded still thinking about his lips on mine finally. I made a fist with my hand and pulled back my hand and pulled it forwards to make an impact on his face. I didn't appear to have done anything to him or me, until I felt sharp stabbing pain coming from all corners of my hand

'OW, Crap, get away from me you sweaty and selfish dog!' I warned him, but he eventually got me back into the Rabbit and sped back towards the Cullen house. We got there finally and I couldn't wait to see what Alec would do to punish Embry for kissing me without my permission.

Mom was confused at why I had slammed the door of the car and stalking inside 'Emma honey, what happened?' mom asked me as she saw my swelled hand 'Did Emma fall over or walk into a tree again?' dad asked me and I smiled 'No dad, I punched a Mutt in the face and I didn't even do a good job at it!' I complained and headed inside while my parents were talking to Embry.

Esme was in the kitchen making mine and Renesmee's dinner until she saw that I was holding my hand 'Emma dear, what happened?' she asked the same thing that mom just did but mom used Honey. I punched a Dog in the face, and I didn't even do a god job!' I complained as my Grandmother was getting out an Ice pack from the freezer.

She gave it to me while I sat down on the couch. I was wondering where everyone else was 'Uh Grandma, wheres everyone else?' I asked her my thoughts and I saw her smile 'The girls went to Olympia to go shopping while the boys including Alec went hunting and the Black Pack are patrolling the area as usual' Esme answered me and I nodded.

'Why did Alec go hunting with the boys?' I asked her and she smiled smiled again 'Well Emma, if he's gonna marry you and be apart of this family, he's going to have to be able to feed off of Animal blood' Esme answered me again and I was confused, but then she realized that she had let something slip and that she wasn't allow to tell me.

'I'm sorry but, he's gonna what me?' I asked my Grandmother who looked at me with a face then returned to her happy and cheerful smile 'Nothing you need to worry about Emma, just wait until Carlisle comes home to fix your hand' Esme told me and I nodded really wanting him or Alec here just to take away the pain in  my hand.

The boys came back with all Gold eyes and Red eyes. Alec saw that I had Ice on my hand and was at my side before I could say Hey to him. 'Emma what happened?' Alec asked me and I sighed 'Embry kissed me without my persmission, so I punched him in the face and I didn't even do a great job at it!' I complained while Carlisle was fixing up my hand.

'I'm proud of you, but you need to make sure that you leave the punching to people who can hold themselves up to people they are punching okay' Alec warned me and I nodded then hugged him while Carlisle was still fixing up my hand.

'Well Emma, that's the best that I can do, all you have to do is not move it for about one week' Carlisle ordered me and I nodded, he kissed my forehead then went upstairs to continue on with his study. Edward shook his head 'Bad idea Alec' Edward warned Alec and I was curious 'But Edward, he kissed her without her persmission, he needs serious punishment' Alec complained making Edward shake his head.

'Not that type of punishment, think about Emma and what pain she'd be in if you did that, just give Embry a stern talking to when he gets back' Edward suggested to him and he nodded. Dad was in front of me and smiled so was mom but she was beside me and smiling 'Emma babe, I know he pissed you off, but you need to put your anger somewhere else, like your mother' dad told me and I rolled my eyes 'Bad thing to say Emmett' Edward warned him as he shrugged and mom did as well, letting him off with a warning.

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