Packing Memories

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I woke up to the pleasant sounds of birds chirping outside the window. The golden sun was begging to be let into the room through the blinds. I blinked my tired eyes open and could feel a ray of sun warming my cheek. I was quick to realize that Soda wasn't in bed anymore.

For a split second, since I woke up in Soda's room I thought I was back in the 60's. My palms got clammy and my heart just about stopped. I nearly convinced myself that this past year was all a dream, and I still needed to get home. But seeing the shirt I wore yesterday and my bra on the floor and my jeans still on, I knew I was home.

I hopped up and put my bra back on and slipped on my shirt. I groggily trudged into the one bathroom in the house and hoped that no one else was in there. The door was unlocked, so I walked in just to splash some water on my face and readjust my clothes in the mirror. I really need to change, and take a shower.

I walked to the kitchen and Soda was cooking. He wore a dark blue button up shirt that he had left unbuttoned, which let the fabric flow around his toned stomach.

"What's cookin', good lookin'?" I asked. I sat next to Ponyboy at the table. I sat where I sat at every meal at the Curtis' back when I lived with them.

"Good morning, beautiful," Soda called from the kitchen. "We're having pancakes and eggs."

I heard the sizzle of the liquids as they turned to solids on the hot pan. The delicious smell of pancakes filled the house. There was a nostalgic feeling it gave me.

"Where's Darry?" I asked.

"I think he's already at work," Ponyboy said. He was still reading his book from last night, but he was near the end of it. In my head, I tried to guess how late he stayed up reading before he either fell asleep or gave up.

"Does that mean that we have to do the dishes?" I groaned.

"You remembered our rules." Ponyboy smirked. His eyes went to Soda and he said, "I told you."

"What?" I chuckled, knowing I was out of the loop.

"We weren't going to remind you if you forgot," Soda explained and clicked his tongue. "But since you brought it up, now you have to."

"Dammit." I hit the table gently with my fist jokingly. "I should have kept my mouth shut."

I saw Soda flip one of the pancakes he was cooking and it didn't look like a pancake. The fluffy disk was bright red, like a cherry.

"Are those the pancakes?" I asked.

"Yes, they are," Soda said with a smile, but kept his focus on the pan.

"Are they red?"

"Yes, ma'am. I was debating on green or red and Pony picked red."

I loved it when Soda was charming like this. I love his little quirks that make him so cute and sweet. He always makes good food, and when he dyes them it makes them more fun. I know when he has kids someday, he will be a fantastic father.

"I wonder how Cherry's doing," Ponyboy said, licking his finger and turning the page in his book.

"Who cares?" I said.

"I was just wondering," Ponyboy muttered.

Soda walked out of the kitchen with two plates balancing in his hands. His blue shirt floated softly around him as he walked to the table and he set one of the plates in front of me.

"Careful, they're hot. Just like you." Soda winked at me cheekily, and I blushed with a breathy laugh.

"Thanks." Ponyboy grabbed the other plate from Soda's hand. "You're pretty good looking yourself, Soda."

The Outsiders: Before My Time Sequel | SodapopHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin