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"so, i guess you won't be seeing ice again?" strawberry said.

spoon kept ignoring her smartass comments.

riley plopped back on the couch again.

"here we go," spoon said.

just as riley was about to insert spoon into the fruity flavors ice cream her mom called her. she left them on the coffee table and went upstairs.

spoon laid ontop a vogue magazine, drowning in self hatred hating. if only riley didn't use the exact same spoon when eating ice cream. spoonly was dubbed her "ice cream spoon". use for the sole purpose of s c o o p i n g.

"be honest" strawberry started, "who's the best cream you've scooped?"

"strawberry, i-" how was he suppose to answer that? he lost count of how creams he's scooped, from rocky road, to rainbow sherbet, blueberry, that vanilla & caramel one was surprisingly not vanilla during scoopage. if only riley didn't have an ice cream addiction, he'd then, maybe then, stay loyal to the only ice cream in his heart.

"look i get it," strawberry said. "it wasn't your choice to scoop me, she'll get over it, she's still new from the grocery store. she'll learn."

(strawberry has a french accent btw)

"it's just, i don't know strawb, i guess i felt closer to her than any other cream."

"don't hold back spoonly, you won't hurt my feelings," strawb said with sarcasm.

"i'm sorry strawb,"

"it's fine, it's fine; heck, if i had my choice, i'd choose the ladle,"

"okay," he said. "freaky"

"ugh," strawberry started breathing heavy, "that kid better get here soon, i don't know how long til i start melting,"

"oh no...strawberry,"

"meh it's fine, i wanted to die anyway," she laughed morbidly.

"i'll tell ladle what you said about him,"

the cream shot a wink at him.

"dammit kid get back here,"

"SCOOP ME" - spoon X icecream Where stories live. Discover now