The Same Lesson (Pt.31)

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I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps coming towards the car. I looked up to see Tasha holding a bookbag in her hand. I unlocked the door to let her in and then I put my head down on the steering wheel. " Girl what's wrong with you? " I heard Tasha say as she closed the door. I looked up at her and I could see right through her. I knew she was missing him and that poked at my pain even more. " Nothing." I said in a low tone. I put my head back down and prayed silently to myself and God. Maybe if I prayed for her and this whole situation then it'd help. " What are you doing?" She said in a agitated tone. She lifted my head up and I couldn't help but cry. I Remember when I was just like her. A tear rolled down my cheek softly and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Tasha's POV

When I lifted Regina's head up to my surprise she was crying. I didn't even know what was wrong or why she was so emotional. I reached in the glove box and pulled out a napkin. I gently wiped her face and cupped her head into my hands softly. We were eye to eye. As I gazed into her beautiful bright eyes. She whispered something that I didn't understand.
" Why are you crying?" I asked her still gazing at her wet face. She didn't say anything she just looked at me plainly and looked out of the window. " REGINA WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed at her in frustration. I didn't mean to yell but it came out as I didn't understand. The only time I ever seen her cry was when Ricco was cheating and when her grandma passed. That's why I was so confused. She looked at me with her red watery eyes. " DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I ONCE DID! " she yelled at me. What did she mean by that? " I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU TASHA AND I KNOW YOU MISS HIM AND YOU WANNA GO BACK BUT DON'T! " Regina yelled at me again. How did she know what I was thinking? How I was feeling? I hated when she read my mind and knew my feelings. " How could you?" I said in a raspy voice. " LISTEN I DON'T WANT YOU TO DO THE SAME SHIT I DID ! TRUST ME THAT'S NOT LOVE. IT'S NOTHING BUT PAIN WAITING TO EAT AT YOUR BRAIN LIKE IT DOES ME!" she said shouting at me as she punched the steering wheel dangerously. I grabbed her hand in mine and held her close to me. " He loves me I know he does. He just doesn't always make the best decisions " I said while softly stroking her hair. She pulled away from me and  stared at me from her side of the car. A tear fell down on my arm.

Regina's Thoughts

How does she thinks that's love? What the hell is wrong with this bitch? I love her Lord knows I do but I can't let her be like I once was. Cheating, lying , the disrespect that's not love. I wish I could open up her eyes for her. Make her see what it really is. I Remember when my mother told me ' Every Woman Wants Love so don't be stupid for it.' What she meant was do not allow love rule over you every woman wants it which makes it harder to find. You can't let it fuck up your life. I let that happen to me and I ain't gone let it happen to her. Love is just a word. Nobody really knows the meaning because it just happens unconditionally. At least that's what I think.

Back To Reality

" You got a lot to learn baby girl and the only thing I can do is teach you from my mistakes." I said as i wiped my face with the napkin that was sitting on the dash board. Tasha gazed out of the window with her hand on her head. I crunk up the car and slowly pulled off. She just doesn't get it but maybe one day I can show her that Every Woman Wants Love and it's not just her.

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