Drew Davis Mission *Bonus*

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Aqualad, Kid Flash, Artemis, and Superboy were all wearing civilian clothing. They were following Drew Davis, a seemingly harmless man. He didn't seem to be doing anything suspicious. 

That all changed when it went got dark. Almost instantly after the sun set, his eyes flashed red. He began walking, explosions following his every move. Artemis was in charge of tracking him. She watched as he walked aimlessly down the street. She had to be careful not to get blown up. 

She had changed from her civies into her Artemis suit. She saw a fire hydrant, and hit it with her arrow, causing water to spew across Drew Davis. He seemed mostly unfazed, yet he quickly turned to glare at her. Suddenly, the ground below her went ka-boom. Artemis was sent flying. Luckily, Wally caught her, or she might have hit her head pretty bad and gotten a concussion. 

"Hey Arty Farty." Wally teased. 

"You can put me down now." Artemis pointed out. 

"Oh, right. Sorry." Wally let her down, not-so-gently. Artemis punched him in the arm. "Ow, what was that for?" 

"Careful next time, Kid Mouth!" Artemis glared. 

"Hey!" Wally protested, though Artemis was no longer paying attention. She was trying to figure out where Drew had gone. 

"His eyes..." Artemis was lost in thought. 

Another explosion shot her out of it. That was when she noticed two people in jumpsuits, one orange and one blue, were battling it out. They shot something at Drew, and what she saw  should have been impossible. A ghost came flying out of him. The man in the orange jumpsuit smiled excitedly at the woman in the blue. She simply nodded. They put the ghost in some weird thermos, and just like that, they were gone. Superboy jumped down. 

"That was...weird." He commented. 

"Tell me about it..." Artemis mumbled. 

"We should report this to Batman." Aqualad decided. The rest of the group nodded.


So really short, only about 318 words. A lot of you guys really wanted to see this happen, and I was going to do something like in Avatar with Sparky-Sparky-Boom-Man, but then I thought, 'Wait a second, this is a Danny Phantom crossover!' And thus this amazingly short story was born. So, just so you all know, I have already started writing my Halloween Special! I have Part 1 completed and ready for the 31st. So, a lot of this book will mostly be one-shots of when I was doing those couple of days with Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Dash. There will also be a couple of just Young Justice one-shots, and a couple of just Danny Phantom one-shots, and a few of what was going on whilst Danny was at Mount Justice before the trio (+Dash) decided to investigate. Goodnight guys! See ya later! 

-Portal Potato

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