Hiding in plain sight

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The detective and his blogger were on a case. Chasing two men through the busy streets of London. It had started as a pretty normal day. Sherlock getting a call from Lestrade, "John. The game is on!" Sherlock had said with that smile he reserves for murder. John loved that smile. Grabbing their coats they headed to the police station. After a chat with the inspector and reading through the case notes the boys were on their way. Sherlock knowing exactly where to go.

"We have to check out this address John. Its of the upmost importance." John agreed, as Sherlock lead the way to a cab he had flagged down. Sitting in thr cab Sherlock was quiet, scanning the streets. John looked over at thse man sitting next to him. His coat open to expose Johns favourite of Sherlocks tight shirts. Purple was a great colour on the detective. John coughed and turned away, hoping Sherlock hadn't noticed him staring, but if he had he ignored it, tapping his knee impatiently. He looked over at John, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. John felt his heart race as he looked deeper into the pools of blue.

Sherlock felt John subconsciously leaning forward and felt his own heart start to speed up. That look. He knew what it meant. Could John feel the same? No way. Its John Watson. The very heterosexual man who had numerous occasion told Sherlock and anyone else that would listen that he eas unfact 'not gay!'. Maybe Sherlock was reading him wrong. No. Sherlock was never wrong. Sherlock pulled back and stared out the window once more. Making John jump slightly. John too looked out the window at the rush of traffic and people. Feeling confused by his feelings and the look hes sure he saw in Sherlocks eyes.

"STOP!" Sherlock yelled suddenly. The cabbie slammed on the breaks and Sherlock was out the door. John quickly apologised to the driver and gave him some money, a little extra for the inconvenience. He scrambled out of the cab and into the street. Seeing Sherlock up ahead he ran to keep up. "What the hell Sherl...?" John couldnt finish before his friend pushed him into a dark alley way next to the busy pub they had stopped outside. Sherlock pushed the smaller man roughly against the brick wall in the alley. John gasped as his body hit the cold wall but soon Sherlocks body was pressed against his, warm and strong. "What the f...?" John started but Sherlock shhhhed him and leant int to whisper in his ear. "There are two men coming out of the bar . We need to follow them with them seeing us. Follow my lead." He said. And with that he leant towards Johns shocked face. Taken back by the closeness of his room mate Johns breathing hitched in his throat. Sherlock was going to kiss him. John, not recovered yet from the feeling of Sherlocks warm breath in his ear, whimpered as Sherlocks soft pink lips touched his own. Softly at first then the detective pushed forward somemore against the blogger. John could feel Sherlocks tongue licking his bottom lip, as if asking for entrance. Snapping out of the daze finally John kissed his friend back. Opening his mouth and allowing him in. John moaned into Sherlocks mouth. He tasted amazing. Sweet with a smoky after taste. John would have to repermand him later for smoking, but nothing mattered right now. John was in heaven. Sherlock reached up and grabbed either side of Johns face, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. John allowed himself to be kissed, reaching his arms around Sherlocks waist under his coat.

He ran his hands down Sherlocks hard chest and found his fingers playing with Sherlocks pants button. Sherlock moaned into Johns mouth and broke the kiss, moving to kiss Johns neck. John found himself reaching down lower to touch the detectives obvious erection. As John palmed it over the mans suit pants he heard Sherlock growl into his neck. Warm breath making John harder. Suddenly Sherlock seemed to snap out of it. Moving away from John in a swift movement.

John suddenly felt cold. He blinked and looked at the man in front of him. Sherlock looked John up and down, then back at his friends tent in his pants. He smirked. Turning away his looked down the street. "This way John, we have to folloe them." Sherlock went to walk off but stopped and turned back to look at John once again. "You werent lying when you said you were a excellent kisser." He smiled at the shocked face and messy hair of his friend still leaning against the brick wall. "Come along John, the game is on."

Hey everyone,

*send me prompts or requests*

Love ya

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