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I killed again...i hoped that i would never have to kill again when my sky became boss. He said he would change the mafia world for the better.

He's been trying and it has been working, but sometimes we end up fighting against the other family's...

I ended up killing to protect my family, i couldn't help it because what was i supposed to do? He was gonna bomb the whole place.

But i had managed to sneak up on him and killed him. I took the remote and deactivate it. I look at my family, i took a step towards them and they flinched back. I stopped in surprise, did i just..scare them?

But..we're family...i would never hurt them on purpose..don't they know that? I looked to my sky, he flinched. You too? But your supposed to be my sky. The sky that forgives, that is kind and loved by many. come when it comes to me, your mist that just killed to protect you, you flinch away from me?

Weren't you the one that told me he would change the mafia world so it would be better?

Aren't you the one that smiled at me even when I said i was only here to take your body?

Where is my sky that is like that? Why aren't you being the loving, the kind and forgiving sky?

Then why..when your my sky...are you looking at me with so much fear? I saved you all, i thought of you as family and you all look at me with fear when i try and protect you?

"I'll go and get a doctor..." i said as i walked away.

I reached the place, i kinda forgot the name. I called out and a few doctor's came.

I told them that the other guardians needed some medical assists and they except one left.

I was checked over by the one that stay, he told me that i wasn't hurt from what he could see.

I walked away to where my family were. I walked in and saw them smiling and talking to each other.

They finally noticed that i walked in and the temperature dropped a few degrees..

I didn't say anything, i could tell by just the looks in their eye's...they are afraid of me...they...fear me...their mist...

I protected them and they fear ironic...when we were younger they didn't fear me...not even when i hurt them...but when i kill to protect them they fear me...

I..guess i should go...they clearly don't want me here...

They all have the look of fear in their eye's...even chrome looks at me in fear...did she forget that i protected her?

I turn around and walked out, leaving them as they had fear in their eye's...

I headed forest..i walked to my special place and sat down.

I..felt could they fear me after being with them for so long?

Why are they afraid when i protected them? They knew i already killed a lot...don't they?

Why do they fear me when they knew me for so long and i protected them from their enemy's?

But they didn't fear me when they barely knew me when i was younger? I hurt them when they were younger...and they didn't fear me.

But when i protect them, they fear me...

It's one of the reasons why i feel hurt me...on how they could fear me so much when i protect them but not fear me at all when i hurt them...

What is this ache i feel at my chest? Is this...pain? Or is this the feeling of betrayal? it..sadness? they hurt me so much?! Why is it that i hate that look of fear in their eye's? No..not's..sadness​..i feel sad about that look of fear in their eye's...

I don't think i could ever hate them..but it doesn't mean that i can't feel betrayed by them.

I can't help but feel so negatively about my emotions that i feel...

I can't help but feel betrayed, hurt, sadness, and so many other negative emotions...

I looked up and noticed it was the sky crying with me?

I stood up and stand..i stood there for who knows how long..

I..thinking I'm crying as it was raining...i couldn't tell because i didn't bother to check if i was crying..

It kind of felt peaceful..

And yet i can't help but think, why do i feel so betrayed?


And i leave it there, so how was it? I hope it was alright....

Well until next time!

Ja ne~

The heartbroken mist Where stories live. Discover now