Dealing with a overprotective byakuran and Shōichi

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They stared at wait i meant glaring at lambo. Lambo just looked back at them as if he didn't care but i knew better. I knew that he was probably waiting to be judged or something...

"Why are you here?" said a still glaring byakuran.

"I came to apologize for hurting mukuro-nii...i know i do not deserve his forgiveness after all we did, but i still had to apologize..." lambo said.

Byakuran and shoichi stared at lambo for what felt like eternity but was only a few minutes...They both nodded their heads and walked over to him. I looked on, wondering what was about to happen...

Byakuran then hits lambo on the head a bit while shoichi throws his arm over lambo's shoulder.

"We are gonna be having a talk for a few, ok mukuro?" byakuran said with a menacing smile on his face.

I shrugged my shoulders a bit and nodded as shoichi starts dragging him off and byakuran follows them...

Now what? My only entertainment is gone...though i don't know if i should call them that but they did put on quite the show...even though it wasn't really one...I'm already bored...well that's not good...i suppose shoichi and byakuran wouldn't like it if i destroyed their place where the sleep at most of the time...

Oh well time to scare a few people...i then started using my mist to create illusions...and those who walked into it began to scream in horror...kufufufu...I'm just evil like that...

After a while i got bored again and i left to wonder around, waiting for lambo, byakuran, and shoichi...After what felt like eternity but was only five minutes. They finally got here, lambo looked...i don't know how to say this but...i guess terrified or something...while byakuran and shoichi looked satisfied...

I then began ignoring them for making me wait for so long. They stared at me, i didn't look their way. They stared at me longer, it was beginning to get harder to ignoring them...

I could feel their eye's trying to pierce through my head, i tensed. I slowly look at them from the corner of my eyes. I slowly turn my head to look at them, they looked really mad.

So i did the only sane thing anyone would do...i used my mist and disappeared. I heard them shout and i left the area that we were in...

Yep I'm taking a leave for a while and hope they calm down....yeah i deserve a break from them...especially byakuran and shoichi...

Well at least maybe for a few days....probably...

Yep, i finished this chapter after who knows how long I've been working on i made another draft and already finished the first might be a oneshot though...might being the keyword...
I think I'll try and update another story or two...maybe...well...

Ja ne~!

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