More than Friends (Finchel)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee but I love FINCHEL and I SHIP FINCHEL ALL THE WAYYYYYYY

This fanfic is all about finchel okay deal with it. So basically Quinn is dating Finn and Rachel has feelings for Finn and also Finn has feelings for Quinn but his feelings for Rachel are like fireworks. Quinn has been controlling Rachel for a long time and it's time for Rachel to snap out of it. So she joins this club that Quinn hates which is Glee Club and etc. SO enjoy people and follow me and i'll follow back thanks <3 xx


Rachel Barbra Berry

Finn Christopher Hudson

Lucy Quinn Fabray

Noah Puckermen

Kurt Hummel

Blaine Anderson

Artie Abrams

Mercedes Jones

Tina-Cohen Chang

Mike Chang

Sam Evans

Rory Flanagan

Santana Lopez

Brittany Pierce

Bree Berry (Rachel's Sister but she is mean to her but their parents don't know and she is a made up character)

Best Friends:

Santana and Rachel

TIna and Merceds

Sam and Rachel

Kurt and Rachel

Noah and Finn

Finn and Rachel (but more to come)

Bree and Quinn

So enjoy <3 xx and follow me too x

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