Chapter 5 Shooting Star and I'll Fix you

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Rachel's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face even though I have brusies. Then Santana woke up. We both did our make up. I wore a BSK embroidered strapless dress. Santana wore BSK palm tree crop top with BSK Flag Shorts (I'll give you the links down below at the end of the story). We went down to the kitchen and got creal when I saw a note on the fridge saying that 'Hey Rachel, we'll be back home soon. Love Dad and Daddy.' I knew they were taking Bree to boarding school but woke up earlier because she had to catch the plane to London. So it was quite at home. Santana and I talked and we drove to school. We were early as usual and went to our locker and then went to the auditorium. Thats when I have forgotten something.

"OMG I forgot to do the mash up. Can you help me Santana?" I asked

"Sure." Santana said

"So I was thinking maybe we take the tune from Need you now for a duet, then whole group goes and sing without you. Like after the line 'I just need you now (without you)' like that. Then when we finish the 2nd time chours then somone can sing the Without you part." I said

"That is totally a great idea omg we are going to win Sectionals." Santana said

I giggled and hugged her. We worked on it until...

Finn's POV

I went to school a little bit early but some people are here in school. I went to my locker to get my books and I saw that Rachel wasn't at her locker. So I waite for her besides her locker. I thought she would be early today. I waited for 10 minutes. It is 7:45 now Glee Club starts in 1h and 30 min. I waited until 5 minutes later. There was a big loud gun shot and I rushed to the Choir Room. Mr. Shue was in there and told us to get into a corner and all the class rooms were slammed shut and locked. It was so silent that it was like nobody came to school today. The second gun shot went bam and everyone here were so scared.

"Okay do we have everyone?" Mr. Shue asked

"No, we are missing Rachel." I said

"And Santana." Mercedes said

"Where are they?" Mr. Shue asked

Everyone was clueless.

"Mr. Shue, I need to go find Rachel. I can't lose her now. I just can't I need to go out now!" I said almost about to tear up.

"No, Finn sit down just sit down." Mr. Shue said grabbing me while I try to set free and try to go find Rachel.

"Finn sit down everything is fine I think she is in just one of the classrooms outside okay just sit down." Mr. Shue said.

I sat next to Artie. I started to cry because I just don't want to lose Rachel. I got her and she is our best singer. I can't lose her now. I want her to be a part of my life. I started texting Rachel hoping she will reply and say she's okay. Then I saw Artie pull out a video camera.

"Artie, what are you doing?" I asked

"I'm just pulling out my video camera, so that when someone finds this they'll watch it." Artie said

"I'm recording now, so does anyone want to say something? Artie said and asked

"I do." I said

"Rachel Berry, I love you with all my heart and I don't want to lose you." I said

Everyone else said to the camera to who they love.

Rachel's POV

Santana and I heard a gun shot but it was too late to go to the Choir Room so we hid in the Auditorium. I was so scared and I was glad Santana was with me. I turned off my phone so that there isn't any sound. It was so loud. I cried because I am actually scared. Santana is scared to and we both cried and hugged each other until. The door was slammed open both of us were scared now and there were four gun shots on the lights then I heard another one and I was hit somewhere and then the person/it was gone.

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