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Tuesday, May 16th 2017.

It was cold outside, unlikely cold for the month of May. But with the climate changing it wasn't a big surprise, to him it wasn't that cold.

He had a feeling that it was going to rain pretty soon- the sky was pitch black, the only light around was coming from the streetlights. It was dead silent outside, the only noises he heard were from cars passing by. No sounds of birds flying around or dogs outside, even the insects were hard to find.

A soft sigh escaped from his lips as he leaned against the brick wall behind him. From the pockets of his jacket he took out a pack of cigarettes along with his favorite silver colored lighter. It had been the lighter he got from his father when he was a teenager, although his father's intention wasn't for his son to start smoking after receiving it.

No his father's true intention was just for it to be a gift- nothing more nothing less. He had hoped that if his son was ever in a situation where he would need a lighter- then he would have one. It was all because when his son was younger, he liked to go out into the woods and would come home late.

With a cigarette between his lips he looked up when he heard soft footsteps, seeing a short girl look up at him in disgust before entering the store he was standing next to. All he did was just smile cheekily. From what he saw - which is hard because of the little light there is - he thought she looked cute.

It was a look he received often from people- from people who thought that smoking is disgusting and that people shouldn't do it, also because it's deadly. Of course he knows that that's true, but a part of him didn't care since you only live once.

He lighted up his cigarette.

Relaxing as he closed his eyes for just a second, all until he heard someone clear his or her throat. However he just decided to ignore it as he put the cigarette in between his lips, this was his moment to relax and he wouldn't let anyone interrupt him. Outside is the only place he can smoke peacefully without anyone bugging him, without someone telling him that he should quiet because it could kill him- but getting hit by a car can kill you too. He then heard this person clear it's throat again.

Feeling annoyed he opened his eyes, only to see the girl from earlier standing in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest, a white plastic bag hanging from her wrist. She gave him an intense look, not in the good way- no she seemed just as annoyed as he is if it isn't more annoyed.

Something he didn't understand, if you don't like smokers then why stand in front of someone who is smoking. Why not cover your mouth and just walk away.

"What" he muttered as he inhaled the smoke from the cigarette.

She shook her head, "you do know smoking is deadly".

An annoyed chuckle escaped from his lips as he blew out the smoke, if only she would tell him something that he didn't know yet.

He kept the cigarette between his lips as he took out the pack of his pocket to show the girl, "yes, I've seen the bold letters on my pack, now move along kid" he said as he put it back in his pocket.

But she didn't move, no by now she was frowning at him.

A part of her wanted to take the pack from his hands, throw it in the nearest river or pond or anything water related she could find.

Of course she knows that she shouldn't be interfering, the guy himself choose to smoke. It was not as if she made him start smoking- but she just found it so disgusting that she couldn't help herself but meddle.

"Didn't I tell you to move along" the boy asked again as he blew out the smoke in her direction.

Feeling disgusted she tried to wave the smoke away.

Now he was really getting on her nerves. Normally people would just walk away from her when she approached them to tell them the risks of smoking, other people would just roll their eyes and let her rant.

"Smoking will kill you, also being rude doesn't get you far in live".

With that she flipped her long dark hair over her shoulder before continuing her way but not after bumping into him.

By now she had realized that if she continued this she would still be standing there with her arms crossed over her chest until the morning comes. This guy is a new kind of stubborn, a kind she hasn't crossed paths with yet.

"So does meddling with people's lives" he shot back at her.

But all he got in return was her flipping him off.

He had to admit that he low key liked this encounter, as least she had the guts to tell him - an complete stranger - what she thinks. Even if it wasn't her position to tell him off.

He was still focused on watching the girl walk away to notice that his cigarette had dropped from his hold onto the ground. By the time he noticed it was too late.

"She owes me a cigarette" he mutters as he looked down.

It's not in his nature to run after the girl and demand a new cigarette, demanding something isn't in his nature. Besides he still had a pack full in his pocket.

But to his surprise his pocket was empty, he searched both his pockets and even looked around him, it might have fallen out of his pocket.

Then it hits him, it was the girl. She bumped into him on purpose and stole his cigarettes.

"She now owes me an entire pack" he said frustrated as his hand moved through his hair, messing it up in the process. But he didn't care, now he had a new mission and that was to find this girl.

No one steals cigarettes from Song Mino.

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