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Friday, May 26th 2017.

He had texted Sohye after he had his breakfast, for others it's more known as lunch.

The day before he had worked until closing time, stocking every isle and especially the soda isle. He was so busy that he didn't notice Junhee entering the store. It was after the male had been standing next to him for about ten minutes before he realised it was his friend. Junhee had even secretly helped him lifting some of the sixpacks to put them into the isle, which he claimed was his exercise but in reality was a way to help his friend.

Mino had been grateful to have a friend like Junhee, hoping he could one day repay the younger one back. Meeting his sister behind his back was not a great way to repay him, but he wanted to know what had happened in their family. Why Sohye hates smokers with a burning passion and why Junhee had looked so broken months ago. Not that he was expecting her to answer him. But he could at least try.

He was sitting on the couch in his apartment, Junhee had left earlier to get to his job. So now he was just staring at the TV, it wasn't even on.

"You look pretty interested in that black screen, maybe it's because it matches your black soul" he suddenly heard a voice say.

Mino slowly turned to face the one who spoke to him, only to get confused when he saw Sohye leaning against the wall in the living room. She had a smug smile on her face and her arms were crossed over her chest, although she did wonder why he wasn't as startled as she had expected him to be.

He blinked once before looking back at the TV.

"Wow okay Mino, you text me to hang out and now I'm here you're looking at a black screen".

"How did you get in here" he asked her, not looking her in the eye.

He saw Sohye walking passed him before she took a seat on the couch next to him, "my brother gave me the key to his apartment when he moved into this place".

Mino simply hummed.

His mind was too preoccupied, he didn't know how to ask her about the situation. Maybe she would think that he was in love with her brother or something.

It was nothing like that, he was just curious. He wanted to be a good friend to Junhee as the latter is to him.

"Mino, what's going on with you?" Sohye asked as she turned to face him, "normally you would have been hitting on me or bringing up your stolen cigarettes, but now".

"Yeah I know, I was just curious" he told her as he took out his pack of cigarettes from his pocket, "it's just that I remember that your brother looked lost when he first moved in".

Sohye looked down at her hands who were laying on her lap, to him it seemed that she knew exactly what had happened months ago but she probably didn't want to tell him.

They sat their in silence, and it was bothering him.

"Well" Sohye started, "someone in our family passed away, it effected us both deeply. He put all his energy into finding a place of his own and his dancing, while I was left to deal with it all on my own". She took a deep breath as she continued, "but we got to deal with it in our own ways, anyway".

Mino nodded, giving her the remote of the TV, "I don't know what you've been through, but I did figure out you're a strong girl".

A small smile decorated his features, he was trying his best to be nice to her. Which was a little out of character for him.

He looked at her, how she turned on the TV before leaning back. She closed her eyes as a soft sigh escaped from her mouth. She looked defeated, a little lost even.

"Thanks Mino, it's something that both my brother and I have to give a space".

"I get it, if you ever want to talk to someone about it- well don't hesitate to call me" he said a little uncomfortable, he had never said those words before. But this was the first time he meant it.

Sohye glanced at Mino from the corner of her eyes. She felt a little awkward, this was not the Mino who was low key flirting with her- it felt weird. It almost felt as if he likes her, but who falls in love with someone after just a few days.

"Okay now you're scaring me, I think I should go" she said as she tried to stand up, but as she wanted to pass Mino he caught her arm, pulling her back down next to him on the couch.

With his other hand he rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah sorry, I was just trying to be nice".

Sohye showed him a light smile as she took the hand that was rubbing the back of his neck, "it's okay, you couldn't have known what happened to me and my brother, but it's nice you stopped smoking around him" she told him.

Mino looked down at his hand as he frowned, "to be honest I don't know when I had my last cigarette".

At looked at each other in confusion.

He was wondering how he went through days of not wanting to smoke, the pack he was always carrying around had been half full for days now. It was as if his body realized he didn't need cigarettes in his life to relax.

She was wondering how he suddenly changed so quickly, how does anyone stop smoking so quickly and easily. All she heard was stories of people who said that if you have the will and the power to quite you can really quite without withdrawn. But she never thought that Mino would be part of those people.

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