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Friday, June 9th 2017.

An loud sigh escaped from his lips as Mino was looking for his keys in his pockets, instead his hands dug out the pack of cigarettes. He started to mutter a string of curse words as he once again reached inside his pockets. He had a long day at work and he was not in the mood to play hide and seek with his keys.

"Finally" he muttered when he fished out the keys from his other pocket, he wanted to unlock the door but before he could the door suddenly opened.

He blinked twice as he looked right into the brown eyes of Sohye.

"Oh" she simply said when she noticed it was Mino, "I thought you were Junhee who couldn't find his keys again".

"No I'm Mino who couldn't find his keys" he comments before stuffing his keys back into his pocket, "what are you doing here?".

Sohye rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest, "well hi Sohye, how are you" she deadpans.

With those words she walks away towards the kitchen.

Mino raises his eyebrows as he enters his apartment, he noticed that the girl was coming over more often. Of course he wondered what the reasons are for that, it can't only be for her brother right?

"What? I wasn't expecting you to be here" he defends himself as he slams the door closed behind him, walking towards the kitchen. He looks at how she gets a glass from the cupboard, "what are you even doing here" he asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Sohye turns around and almost drops the glass, "can you not scare me like that" she breaths, putting the glass on the counter with one hand while the other was placed on her chest.

"Scare you? You're the one who's in my home, I should be the one who's scared".

Judging from the look on her face, he realised that he should just have kept quiet. He couldn't help it, he was wondering why she came over so often.

She had put her hands on her hips as she gave him the look- a look that hints annoyance and also warns him not to continue. Something that Mino didn't understand, he wanted to open up his mouth again but after looking at the girl in front of him he decided not to.

The last thing he wanted was to piss Sohye off and make her throw stuff at him. That's why he decided to change the subject from him being an jackass to something that had been bothering him.

"Sohye" he asked with a gentle tone, he was being careful not to make her mad.

She looked up with raised eyebrows, "what".

"I was wondering about something" he started, but somehow he couldn't say it out loud. It had been bugging him for days and now he could let it out, he couldn't. "It's nothing, it was just a stupid thought".

Trying to avoid the conversation he quickly made his way over towards the refrigerator, hiding his head in it while pretending he was looking for something. It didn't seem to fool Sohye.

A soft hand was placed on his shoulder which made him jump a little, he quickly closed the refrigerator to look into the dark eyes of Sohye.

"You do know that you can tell me what's bugging you?".

He bit his lower lip, trying to find the right way to ask her. Of course he knew that he was being dramatic, it was just a simple request not asking her to marry him.

"I wanted to ask you if you can help me quite smoking, I know it's a stupid question" Mino mumbles before attempting to walk away.

But he was being held back by Sohye, "how is that a stupid question? I would be more then happy to help you stop smoking" she told him causing Mino to look over his shoulder, "that's because you're my brother's roommate and I don't want him to be living with a smoker".

Mino snorted softly, it didn't seem like that was the real reason but he decided to let it go because he already annoyed her once today. The last thing he wanted was to have her snap at him.

"Really" he questioned, looking down at the hand that was holding onto his wrist.

As soon as she realised what she was doing, she quickly let go of his wrist. She looked the other way as she cleared her throat, "y..yeah of course".

Mino heard the slight stutter in her speech, making him laugh softly.

"Thank Sohye, you're pretty nice for someone who steals cigarettes from people" he told her as he patted her head.

The girl's head shot up, ready to defend herself but instead she saw how Mino was making his way towards the living room. With a sigh she grabbed her glass to pour in some water before following Mino to the other room.

"Anyway how do you want me to help you".

He reached into his pockets, but once again he couldn't find what he was looking for. Mino got a little irritated that this was happening to him for a second time today. Eventually he found what he was looking for and dropped it on the coffee table.

Sohye raised her eyebrows as she looked at him, "your pack of cigarettes".

"Yeah I want you to keep doing what you did when we first met, I want you to steal my cigarettes and get rid off them when I buy them" Mino says.

"Well okay then, but one question" Sohye asked when she picked up the pack, looking through it, "when was the last time you smoked".

Mino shrugged, not knowing when the last time was exactly, "I don't know, maybe I smoked one yesterday".

He heard her chuckle softly, "well Mino I think you'll be fine, but just to be sure I will keep an eye on you".

The two laughed, Sohye took a seat next to him on the couch.

"But just to be sure I will need you to look around your room for packs you have been hiding when I come over".

Mino smirked, "sure".

He knew that she wouldn't believe him if he said that it was just this one pack.

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