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Screams of terror and panic filled the streets, cars scattered across the highway as my friends and I hopped out. None of us knew what was going on, a body hunched over someone, probably mourning their death. John got close enough to see something that disturbed him, running back at top speed, yelling for us to get back in the car and lock the doors.

Children crying for their parents to come get them. In my side mirror, I saw a little boy with blood on his face sitting in the street. He was holding his father's cold, limp hand, tears streaming down his face. I was about to get out to grab the kid, but what happened next horrified me.

The man revived as his son smiled, only to scream out in fear as he feasted on the child's neck. Swallowing the bile rising up, I managed to tear my eyes away from the gruesome scene as my friends panicked.

This was truly hell.

Published: January 3rd, 2019
Word Count: 173 words

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