Chapter One

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Foley High School
April 12th, 2019
7:36 a.m.


The chilly morning air pricked at my skin as I let out a sigh, cold air escaping my mouth. Only two more months of this hell-hole, then summer will chase away the cold.

"Why is it so called in April?" Sarah muttered, stomping on a twig as she stuffed her hands in her coat pocket.

"It's Alabama, the weather changes five times a week." The boy next to her murmured as Connor pulled out his phone.

We all agreed to his statement as Sarah and Connor took over the conversation, Mika glancing my way, "Hey, you okay?"

I scratched my neck nervously, "I think so? I mean, I had a nightmare that freaked me the hell out, so I guess I'm still off by it."

"You do look shaken, do you need to go to the nurse?" She asked, her brown eyes staring into mine. Slim fingers reaching for my hand.

"I'm fine, stop being such a mom Mika." I murmured, pulling my hood up as the raven haired girl stared at the ground.

John made his way over to us, sitting next to Mika. Everyone knew he had a major crush on her since we were in middle school, but she was either oblivious or had no interest in him. Somehow, we knew it was the latter.

"Why are we sitting out here? It's cold." He stated, readjusting his beanie before his hands retreated to the warmth of his coat pockets.

"I don't know, Ashton was here first so I just joined him." Connor answered, sharing gushers with Sarah. Although it wasn't much as sharing as she stuffed her face.

Ashton broke the silence, "Did you guys hear about how bad the flu is getting?"

"Didn't it kill over thirty kids?"

I tilted my head towards the sky, basking in what little sun we had, "If it's that bad then why wouldn't they cancel school? For precaution."

"It would be pointless." Mika murmured, the bell ringing, signaling for us to get to homeroom. We shook off what she said as we proceeded to head inside.

"I bet it was gonna be ominous." Connor snickered before John whacked him in the head.

Creative Writing [Room 902]
10:31 a.m.

"Okay, okay, everyone quiet down." Mr. Thompson stated, starting his lesson on the board, "So, what have we learned so far from the Odyssey? Or from any Gre-"

The intercom interrupted him as the principal spoke, "Attention, students. The Alabama State Department of Health has declared a state of emergency. There is no need to be alarmed, the area surrounding the school is in no danger. They ask that all students remain on school property and inside the school building until further notice when officials lift the state of emergency. Thank you for your cooperation."

"What could that be about?" A kid murmured to one of his friends.

The group chat went off as I rushed to put my phone on silent. My heart pounding as I looked at the messages.

 My heart pounding as I looked at the messages

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Slowly putting my phone away, I raised my hand after a few seconds

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Slowly putting my phone away, I raised my hand after a few seconds. Letting it down as soon as I was acknowledged, "I forgot to take my medication, I'm supposed to take it after breakfast." I lied, silently hoping he would let me go.

"Ah...if it's an emergency then you can leave. Just don't exit the school building, okay? If anyone catches you then tell them you left before the announcement." The teacher instructed as I grabbed my bag and left before he asked anymore questions.

Ashton left the room from across mine, pale and shaken, barely able to take a step.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, lending him a hand, "Are you having an anxiety attack?"

"Y-Yes. Can...Can you grab my p-pills? Front zipper, hidden pocket." The blond stuttered as I walked behind him, handing him the bottle.

We stopped by the water fountain before heading towards the 400 hall. Glancing from the corner of my eye, I could see the color coming back to Ashton's skin.


"And of course, first to suggest the idea, last to arrive." Connor smirked, bending down to grab something from the vending machine.

Mika grinned at us until her eyes caught Ashton's, rushing over to his side, "You okay?" Her voice was hushed, getting the message, I turned my attention away from their conversation.

"Hey. We're skipping the whole day, right? Cause I brought my shit with me." Sarah asked as she raised her bag, in which I nodded in response.

John leaned up from the lockers, "We going or what? I gotta stop at the gas station, so we better get on with it."

Everyone turned and smiled at each other. Skipping on the last day before spring break? What a way to end the week. Keeping quiet, we all ran down the hall and exited through the back entrance, heading straight for the parking lot. Heart pounding against my ribcage as the car came into sight.

Published: January 3rd, 2019
Word Count: 851 words

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