Chapter Two

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Walmart's Gas Station
10:50 a.m.


The temperature has risen slightly making it a little bit bearable. Words were exchanged, songs were playing, and laughter filled the car as we drove further away from the school.

"Anyone wanna go somewhere to eat?" Connor asked, "I'm starving."

"You had gushers this morning." John stated once he got in, buckling his seatbelt.

"Hey! Sarah ate them all, so technically, I didn't." He defended, "Let's just stop at McDonald's or something."

Everyone murmured in agreement as we all took out our wallets, checking to see if we would have enough money to get breakfast.

"Which McDonald's? Downtown Foley or Beach Express?" Ashton asked us.

"Downtown is closer." Sarah commented.

"Yeah, and they have the playground!"

They both cheered as they high-fived one another, all of us groaning at the thought. John looked both ways before turning the left blinker on to signal a lane change.

"McDonald's it is." John grumbled, everyone talking again.


As we pulled into the parking lot, everyone hopped out and walked into the fast-food restaurant. There was at least six other people eating their food silently or watching the news, breaking news on the bottom.

"Welcome to McDonald's! Are you ready to take your order?"

"One minute please." Ashton said with a small smile.

"Okay, take your time." The cashier replied.

"Here's what we're gonna do: we're all gonna order at the same time. That way we don't drag this out, keep count of how much your food costs and we'll pay altogether. Okay?" The brunet looked at each of us for confirmation as we all nodded in agreement.

"We're ready."

"What can I get for you?"

I walked up and began taking my order first, "I'll take a hotcakes with sausage and a medium minute maid orange juice."

Mika went after me, ordering a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with a small McCafe frappe caramel. Her reason was, "I like to keep it cheap so I can save my money, unlike you bozos".

Ashton simply wanted a sausage biscuit and water. Our order kept tallying up and I wondered if we would be able to pay this. Once John went up, he had gotten a big breakfast, sausage biscuit, and medium McCafe hot chocolate.

"Alright, my turn. Can I have a sausage gravy and biscuit, egg McMuffin, three hotcakes, and a medium apple juice." Connor smiled as he turned to face us, "What? I just really love apple juice okay?"

"If you have a cold drink while it's freezing, then you're the devil." John stated as he looked at us.

"Some of us aren't pansies." I retorted.

"Ladies, please, it's my turn now." Sarah grinned as she cracked her knuckles, "I will have the big breakfast with hotcakes, sausage McGriddles, two sausage burritos meal, sausage biscuit with egg, and a large mccafe frappe mocha. That'll be it for us."

Each of us stared at Sarah either with disbelief or anger from John.

"Sarah, marry me." Connor choked out.

The woman looked at each of us before finally speaking, "That'll be $55.32."

Each of us groaned as we handed our half of the money to pay off the order, "Sarah, what the hell?"

"You are not getting in my car after you eat those burritos."

"But-" She was cut off by John holding up his hand.

"No. You better be saving those sausage burritos later Sarah."

"Fine." She pouted, looking away from us.

Connor walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "No, Sarah, I'm actually being serious. Please marry me."

"Ah, Connor." The raven haired female swatted his hand away as she walked with us.

"Did you hear about the C.D.C?" A woman asked her partner beside her.

"Yeah, but I believe it's just a rumor. You know how kids are nowadays, always making stuff up."

I tore my eyes away from them, "Hey, what are they talking about? What happened with the C.D.C?"

"Apparently they came up with a cure for cancer." Mika replied, picking up a lid to place on her drink.

"Really?" John questioned, "I heard that they came up with a cure for AIDs."

Connor intervened, "Wait, so they came up with a cure for something?"

"Supposedly. They ran experiments to test it out two days ago, so far we haven't heard much other than it failed." The blond answered, turning to go pick up our food as the lady called for our orders.

"You really do look sick, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sarah, it is cold here after all. Might've caught a cold."

The freckled girl smiled softly, "Just making sure."

As we all sat down, we began to dig in, checking our social media to see how's everyone doing or keeping our streaks up. Connor snapped his fingers and began to show us his Snapchat.

"Have you guys seen this?!" He exclaimed, shoving his phone into our faces.

"You mean Tiffany dating her fifth guy this month? Yeah." John snorted.

I smirked, "You're just mad she dumped you after dating you for three days."

He rolled his eyes and tensed up, "I really don't care a-"

Connor waved his hand, "Yeah, that's great John still likes her. But I was talking about this." Turning the volume up on the video to where only we can hear it.

"The school is on lockdown. I repeat, the school is on lockdown. Please take protocol, we will let you know when the warning is lifted."

Sarah broke the silence, "I don't understand. Principal Durry said that the school was in no danger."

"They're probably looking for us, it's the only explanation. We'll deal with the consequences after spring break."

Each of us nodded in agreement until Ashton pointed out to Connor's phone. My blood running cold at the sight.

Published: January 10th, 2019
Word Count: 982 words

BreakoutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang