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Oh god I'm nervous to even write this...


My Discord friends, spread the word. Quote me. Something to tell the others this.


Let me introduce the old me.

Hello. I'm Ley, a teenage agender asexual who loves their girlfriend and hates being called a child. They/them pronouns please.

This is the me everyone knows.

Let me introduce the me that I just figured out.

Hello. I'm Ley, a teenage non-binary asexual who loves their girlfriend and hates being called a child. They/them or he/him pronouns please.


Everyone, I'm non binary.

Cause to me...

Gender doesn't exist. I don't like labels. What is feminine? What is masculine? We don't know cause it's different for everyone.

I'm gonna get hated on by people I'm friends with and people I'm not.

I know this.

But I also know that I have two people who support me on Discord,

One who supports me in real life no matter what.

And to me?

That's all that matters.

So go ahead.

Tell me I'm not fully trans*

Tell me that I'm confusing

Tell me that you won't use my right pronouns.

I'm ready.

I'm sorry if this came out really toxic...

I just needed to say this.

Well bye.

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